Antimonium crudum
Aa toothache that is worse at night and is aggravated by heat
Aranea diadema
For sudden, severe pain in the teeth after lying down
For throbbing tooth that's worse when pressure is applied
Calcarea carbonica
For a toothache that worsens when exposed to hot or cold air
For a toothache with intolerable pain that's worse from warmth and not better with cold
Coffea cruda
For toothache that worsens with heat and is relieved by ice
Ferrum metallicum
For a toothache that is relieved by ice water
Magnesia carbonica
For a toothache that is worse at night, Patient must get up and walk about for relief
Magnesia phosphorica
For a toothache that is worse from cold and better from warmth
Plantago major
For a toothache that is better with pressure and worse without cold air
For a toothache that is relieved by holding cold water in the mouth
For pain from major decay of a number of teeth
Suggested Potency: 30c, 200c
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