Here is the list of most effective medicines according to symptoms.
After birth or especially Caesarean Arnica will help the healing and ease pain and discomfort. It is a major remedy for postoperative healing.
As a guide one dose three times a day for up to three days should provide much relief, it can be repeated much more frequently if necessary, i.e. every two hours. If however you are still in some discomfort consider Bellis Perennis or Staphysagria below.
Remember Arnica will very much benefit your baby if the birth has been traumatic or forceps were used. BELLIS PERENNIS
This remedy will further help cases where there is any residual bruising or discomfort remaining after Arnica. It is indicated for abdominal wounds and deep trauma and will complement the initial action of Arnica.
This remedy is indicated for injury to the coccyx during labour or delivery and for lacerations which affect parts rich in nerves, including surgery to the genital area. Helpful after episiotomy or a natural tear (compare to Staphysagria) and also for any residual effects following an epidural.
Episiotomy or laceration (in tincture form)
A tincture of hypericum mixed with calendula (Hypercal) can be purchased from a homeopathic pharmacy and used externally. Mix 10 drops in a tablespoon of sterile or cooled boiled water and apply to perineum on a compress. Keep in contact for up to an hour and repeat several times until relief is obtained.
This remedy is also indicated following caesarean, or episiotomy with pain in the incision, great sensitivity and redness of the wound. This is particularly helpful for example if the woman has had an unexpected caesarean which was not of her choosing and feels somewhat violated by the procedure. Consider also Arnica, Bellis Perennis (caesarean) or Hypericum (episiotomy) on their own individual merits
IS VERY GOOD..............................
Thanks Dr Kumar for valuable comments. Your link has been added on my page.
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