Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Amenorrhoea - Scanty or absence of menses

Amenorrhoea (Scanty or absence of menses)

The following one day trio recommended by Dr. R.L Gupta has been found very useful:-

Sulphur-200 5 drops in some water in the morning
Pulsatilla-200 5 drops in some water after 2 hours
Gossypium-Q 25 drops in some water after 2 hours

Repeat these three remedies in the abovesaid order if required and wait for the action.

A combination of Apis-Q + Gossypium-Q + Pinus Lamb-Q --- 10 drops in some water thrice a day has also been found efficacious in most of the cases.

Menorrhagia (Profuse menses)

Find your case in Millefolium, Trillium and Thalaspi.

Dysmenorrhoea (Painful menses)

Explore Pulsatilla, Cimicifuga, Belladona, Sabina, Mag. Phos., Abroma (Q), Viburnum Op. (Lower potencies).


Most of the cases as recommended by Dr. Koppikar are cured by the combination of Pulsatlla-30 + Calcarea Carb.-30 + Kreosot-30 + Cocculus-30.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,
E-Mail:- hdrsmahmood@hotmail.com

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