Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tinnitus surrendered

Tinnitus surrendered to the Dynamic Force of Petroleum and Natrum Salic.

Mr. Jaffar Zaidi, 56 years of age and a banker by profession in Islamabad had a severe attack of vomiting in December, 2009. The vomiting as reported badly effected his sense of hearing with an additional problem of Tinnitus. He came to contact me in January, 2010 after having fruitless allopathic treatment. Petroleum-200 + Natrum Salic.-200 (a recommended combination by Dr. Koppikar) alternated by Chininum Sulph.-30 was given to the banker for one week. The medicines showed a slight improvement in tinnitus. The same prescription was repeated for another week which further improved the condition of the patient. However, the hearing problem was still there for which Kali Mur.-3X in triturated form was additionally given to be taken with warm water at least twice a day. After a period of two weeks, both the problems of tinnitus and deafness were entirely cured.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,
E-Mail:- hdrsmahmood@hotmail.com

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