Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Specific Remedies where symptoms are not required

Specific Remedies where symptoms are not required

• In congestion of lungs, Aconite is the main remedy ---- Dr. Boehr.

• Fracture of bones knit more quickly with Symphytum-30 two to three times a day for a week ---- Dr. Schmidt.

• Merc Cor. may safely be regarded as a specific for the whole process of an ordinary attack of dysentery ---- Dr. Boehr.

• Nothing equals Hypericum in cases of smashed finger ---- Dr. Farrington.

• Arsenic is undoubtedly the safest remedy for bronchial asthma ---- Dr. Boehr.

• Ipecac is one of the first remedies of which we think in an attack of acute
asthma and it is worthy of the place it holds ---- Dr. Hering.

• We have no remedy which equals Arnica in concussion of brain or spine
or both ---- Dr. Farrington.

• Of all homeopathic remedies for toothache, none can compare with
Plantago ---- Dr. Hale.

• Arnica if given at once after a fracture, it almost instantly relieves the
muscular spasms ---- Dr. Stearns.

• Berberis Vul. is an excellent remedy for renal colic ---- Dr. Hering.

• In simple acute pleurisy, Aconite is the sufficient remedy ---- Dr. Hughes.

• In pneumonia with pleurisy, one dose of Aconite followed by one dose
of Sulphur will frequently give relief ---- Dr. Kent.

• China off. sometimes comes itself with glory by the way it controls
gas formation ---- Dr. Stearns.

• Arnica is an excellent remedy to administer after
delivery ---- Dr. Cowperthwaite.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,
E-Mail:- hdrsmahmood@hotmail.com

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