Thursday, June 13, 2024

Facial hair, unwanted hair, excessive hair and homeopathy

Facial hair/unwanted hair/excessive hair growth and Homeopathy

There are certain myths about facial hair in women in some parts of Asia sub-continent such as
  • It is said that facial hair in women are a symbol of blessing. These should not be removed in any case.
  • Other says that the women with facial hair are un-reliable. Some says, no they become wise after the growth of facial hair.
To me , all above things have no truth in it. No doubt, excessive facial and other unwanted hair growth is undesirable, it is the symptom of some internal disturbance and /or imbalance. The research so far, has shown that there are two major root causes of excessive hair growth:

a. Genetic make-up
b. Imbalance/disturbance in some Harmons (especially androgen group)
The sebaceous gland associated with most hairs is actually more sensitive to androgens hormones than is the hair follicle. Hyperstimulation of the sebaceous gland accompanied by bacterial infection results in acne .The endocrinological factors that influence the pilosebaceous unit are: the rate and amount of androgen secretion by the ovary and adrenal gland the blood concentration of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) conversion in the fat cells and skin of weak, less potent androgens, to potent androgens sensitivity of the pilosebaceous unit to androgens

Note: The pilosebaceous unit consists of the hair shaft, the hair follicle, the sebaceous gland which makes sebum, and the erector pili muscle which causes the hair to stand up when it contracts.
Pilosebaceous Unit

Unwanted and/or excessive hair growth depends upon several different factors. There fore the best way to treat above is to control these factors.
  • altered androgen metabolism
  • increased androgen production
  • decreased androgen binding in the circulation
  • exogenous androgens

Note: Increased growth of hair on the face of women just before and just after menopause is quite a common occurrence. It is primarily because of decreased estrogens.

What Homeopathy Says

Homeopathy is very unique treating system. It does not favor the use of cream, lotions, waxing and other methods used for the removal of facial hair. As mentioned above, the facial hair and other excessive hair growth is due to certain imbalance in the body. So, the homeopathy believes in activating the body’s own immune system to treat all types of diseases. The names of diseases are meaningless in homeopathy. The homeopathy treats the patient, keeping in view the totality of symptoms.
Here is a list of homeopathic medicines with a very short description, which are mostly used in treating the facial hair and other parts excessive hair growth. Select the most matching medicine. For further reading, consult the Materia Medica. In case of any confusion, consult your physician.

Homeopathic Treatment:


Thuja is derived from the leaves and twigs of the evergreen conifer tree, also known as white cedar tree.
Thuja is useful when any of the following are indicated:

Mental and Emotional aspects

Lack of self-esteem – Paranoia – Manipulative but weak – Anorexia – Distorted ideas of body image – Fear of strangers – Facial twitches –Fixed ideas – Anxiety – Cries easily – Dyslexia – Interrupted sleep – Secretive.
Physical aspects

Warts – Verruca's – Skin complaints - Very oily skin – Acne – Perspiration with odor – Headaches – Facial and body excessive hair-Polyps of the nose – Stys – Nail problems – Hemorrhoid's – Lack of appetite – Always cold – Urethral and vaginal infections – Menstrual problems including cramps.


Sabal is homeopathic to irritability of the Genito-urinary organs. General and sexual debility. Promotes nutrition and tissue building. Head, stomach, and ovarian symptoms marked.
Head.--Confused, full; dislikes sympathy; makes her angry. Vertigo, with headache. Neuralgia in feeble patients. Pain runs up from nose and centers in forehead.
Stomach.--Belching and acidity. Desire for milk
Urinary.--Constant desire to pass water at night. Enuresis; paresis of sphincter vesicæ . Chronic gonorrhea's. Difficult urination. Cystitis with prostatic hypertrophy.
Male.--Prostatic troubles; enlargement; discharge of prostatic fluid. Wasting of testes and loss of sexual power. Coitus painful at the time of emission. Sexual neurotics. Organs feel cold.
Female.--Ovaries tender and enlarged; breasts shrivel . Young female neurotics; suppressed or perverted sexual inclination.


A powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed gonorrhea's. For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Chronic rheumatism. Great disturbance and irritability of nervous system. Pains intolerable; tensive; nerves quiver and tingle. Children dwarfed and stunted. History of sycosis. Often restores a gonorrhœal discharge. Intensity of all sensations. Edema of limbs; dropsy of serous sacs. Disseminated sclerosis.
Mind.--Weak memory. Loses the thread of conversation. Cannot speak without weeping. Time passes too slowly (Cannab ind; Arg n). Is in a great hurry. Hopeless of recovery. Difficult concentration. Fears going insane (Mancinella). Sensibility exalted. Nervous, restless. Fear in the dark and of some one behind her. Melancholy, with suicidal thoughts.
Face.--Pallor, acne, blotches of reddish color. Small boils break out during menses.
Stomach.--Coppery taste and eructation's of sulphuretted hydrogen. Ravenous hunger soon after eating. Very thirsty. Cravings for liquor, salt, sweets, etc, warm drinks. Pernicious vomiting of pregnancy.
Abdomen.--Violent pain in liver and spleen. Rests more comfortably lying on abdomen.
Urine.--Painful tenesmus when urinating. Renal colic Urine flows very slowly.
Female.--Intense pruritus. Menses offensive, profuse, dark, clotted; stains difficult to wash out, urinates frequently at that time. Sensitive spot near os uteri. Leucorrhea thin, acrid, excoriating, fishy odor. Sycotic warts on genitals. Ovarian pain, worse left side, or from ovary to ovary. Sterility. Metrorrhagia. Intense menstrual colic. Breasts cold, sore, and sensitive.
Male.--Nocturnal emissions, followed by great weakness. Impotence. Gleet; whole urethra feels sore. Urethritis. Enlarged and painful prostate with frequent urging and painful urination.
Skin.--Yellow. Intense and incessant itching; worse night and when thinking of it. Fiery red rash about anus in babies. Copper-colored spots. Favus. Tumors and abnormal growth.


Thyroid produces anemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating, headache, nervous tremor of face and limbs, tingling sensations, paralysis. Heart rate increased, exophthalmos and dilation of pupils. In myxedema and cretinism its effects are striking. Rheumatoid arthritis. Infantile wasting. Rickets. Delayed union of fractures. In half grain doses twice a day over a considerable period said to be effective in undescended testicle in boys. Thyroid exercises a general regulating influence over the mechanism of the organs of nutrition, growth and development. Thyroid weakness causes decided craving for large amount of sweets.
Mind.--Stupor, alternating with restless melancholy. Irritable, worse least opposition; goes into a rage over trifles.
Heart.--Weak, frequent pulse, with inability to lie down. Tachycardia (Naja). Anxiety about chest, as if constricted. Palpitation from least exertion. Severe heart pain; Ready excitability of heart. Heart's action weak, with numbness of fingers.
Stomach.--Desire for sweets and thirst for cold water. Nausea worse riding in car. Flatulence, much flatus in abdomen.
Urinary.--Increased flow; polyuria; some albumen and sugar. Enuresis in weakly children who are nervous and irritable (1/2 gr night and morning). Urine smells of violets, burning along urethra, increase of uric acid.
Extremities.--Rheumatic arthritis with tendency to obesity, coldness and cramps of extremities. Peeling of skin of lower limbs. Cold extremities. Aching pains. Edema of legs. Trembling of limbs and entire body.
Skin.--Psoriasis associated with adiposity (not in developing stage). Skin dry, impoverished. Cold hands and feet. Eczema. Uterine fibroids. Browny swelling. Swelling of glands of stony hardness. Sluggish cases. Jaundice with pruritus. Ichthyosis, lupus. Itching without eruption, worse night.


Mind and Disposition. Sadness with weeping. Great indifference, even to one's family. Restlessness, fidgety. Great excitability in company. Dread of being alone. Is easily offended and inclined to be vehement. Sadness about one's health and her domestic affairs. Anxiety, with flushes of heat. Aversion to one's occupation. Heavy flow of ideas. Weak memory.
Face. Pale yellow puffiness of the face, with blue margins around the eyes. Yellow color of the face (and of the white of the eyes).Yellow saddle across the nose and face. Yellowness around the mouth.Tetters around the mouth. Moist, scaly eruptions in the red parts of the lips and on the chin. Swelling of the under lip. Erysipelas and swelling of one side of the face from the root of a decayed tooth. Herpes, scurf's and black pores in the face. Neuralgic pains in the face (left side, from abuse of tobacco).
Stomach and Abdomen. Taste putrid or sour. Food tastes too salt. Canine hunger and sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Thirst in the morning or thirstlessness. After eating, acidity in the mouth and belatedness of the abdomen. Aversion to meat and milk, which cause diarrheas'. Eructation's, sour or like rotten eggs, or bitter. Eructation's which cause blood to rise in the mouth. Water-brash after drinking or eating. Acidity of the stomach (with disgust for life).Nausea, especially in the morning and while fasting or when riding in a carriage. Nausea and vomiting after eating. Vomiting of pregnant women, sometimes of milky water. Vomiting, of bile and food, in the morning, with headache. Painful sensation of emptiness in the stomach and abdomen. Pain in the stomach after eating. Pressure in the stomach, as from a stone, especially after eating or at night. Cutting, boring, from the region of the stomach towards the spine. Burning in the stomach. Pulsation in the pit of the stomach. Rumbling in the abdomen, especially after eating. Soreness of the abdomen in pregnant women in the abdomen, pressing, cutting, stinging burning, coldness. Stitches in the liver and left hypochondrium.  Brown spots on the abdomen.

Sexual Organs. Men. Continued erections at night. The prepuce ulcerates and itches continually. Weakness of the genitals ; they perspire profusely, especially the scrotum. Scrotum swollen. Cutting in the testes. After coition great weakness in the knees. Women. Pressure, as if every thing would protrude (with oppression of breathing). Prolepsis of the uterus, of the vagina. Induration of the neck of the uterus. Violent stitches in the vagina, upwards. Redness, swelling and itching humid eruption on the labiæ. Catamenia too early and too profuse, or too scanty, or suppressed. During menstruation, depression, toothache, headache, bleeding of the nose, and soreness in the limbs. Leucorrhea, of yellow or greenish water, like pus, or of bad-smelling fluids. Inclination to miscarriages.

Skin. Itching in the face, on the arms, hands, hips, feet, abdomen and genitals, changing to burning when scratching. Soreness of the skin and humid places in the bends of the joints. Brown spots, or claret-colored, tetter-like spots on the skin. Pemphigus ; ring-worms ; boils ; blood-boils. Ulcers, painless (knuckles, finger-joints, tips of the fingers, joints and tips of the toes), or itching, stinging and burning. Humid tetters, with itching and burning. Lymphatic swellings. Crippled nails.


Mind and Disposition. Sensitiveness of feeling ; delicate conscientiousness. Fearfulness, timidity. Irresoluteness ; anxious ; to do now this, now that. The slightest contradiction irritates. Intolerance of noise. Taciturn, with continuous sad thoughts ; still, serious melancholy, with moaning. Anger, followed by quiet grief and sorrow. Inclination to grief, without saying any thing about it ; keeping it to himself. Great tenderness. Changeable disposition ; jesting and laughing, changing to sadness, with shedding of tears. (Hysteria).Inclination to start.

Face. Alternate redness and paleness of the face. Redness and heat of one cheek (and ear).Clay-colored, sunken face, with blue margins around the eyes. Perspiration only in the face. Convulsive twitching's in the muscles of the face. Twitching of the corners of the mouth. Spasmodic closing of the jaws (lock-jaw).Lips dry, cracked, bleeding. Ulceration of one of the corners of the mouth.

Urinary Organs. Sudden irresistible desire to urinate. Frequent discharge of watery urine. Pressure to urinate, from drinking coffee. Burning and smarting in the urethra during micturition. Itching in the forepart of the urethra.
Genital Organs. Men. Violent itching of the genitals in the evening ; relieved by scratching. Lasciviousness without erections. Contraction of the penis ; it becomes quite small. Erections during stool. Perspiration on the scrotum. Women. Menstruation too early (and too profuse).Menstrual blood, black, of putrid odor, in clots. 

Metrorrhagia. During menstruation uterine spasms, with crampy pressing (relieved by pressure and in a recumbent posture).Uterine spasms with lancinations or like labor pains.
Skin. Itching over the whole body, which disappears on scratching. Itching when becoming heated in the open air. Great sensitiveness of the skin to a draught of air.
Other homeopathic medicines includes calc carb,, calc phos, pulsatilla, nat mur, etc.


1. THUJA 10M just once a month for three months. Three doses in total.
2. Oleum jac 3x and Thuja 3x, if taken on alternate week usually remove this complaint.


awais said...

i am 19 male with excess body hair.suggest suitable medicine.i wait eagerly for prompt reply

Dr Noor said...

please contact with details at my email address for right suggestion.

Anonymous said...

The dose that u have written to take Oleum Jac 3x and thuja 3x on alternate weeks means to take both medicines thrice a day for seven days and then repeat this on an alternate week or take it once seven days a week.Please clarify

Dr Noor said...

it means
first week oleum jac
second week thuja

Anonymous said...

I am taking these mediaicnes since two weeks. Can u please specify the time period after which the results would show.Secondly I have just been married.I is safe to continue these medicines during pregnancy.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hello sir, I am a 33 year old mother of two. I have facial hair on my chin and side face from a long time. I have done laser surgery but the hair has grown back. I have no weight problems. I have Oleum J. 30 and Thuja 30. Can you tell me how to adjust my medicine dose ? Thank you.

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Anonymous said...

Hi Dr Noor,

I am having several problems, for now the extreme is my hearing, I got my audio test and they said that I got 60% loss, my both ears rings a lot like there is a constant sound of beep in my head or ears. Sometimes I feel pain, but mostly feel like there is something extra filled in. like heavy and filled. I also have a problem of nasal congestion whenever i get up in the morning, my nose is usually one side is blocked, and I have like a lot of mucus in my throat. Dr's says it is a nerve damage and have no treatment for hearing except to get hearing aids which i tried that made the situation worse, I couldn't hear well just extra sounds and noise. What would u suggest in this case? would appreciate your answer.

Dr Noor said...

please contact with details at my email address for right suggestion.

Anonymous said...


I am a 18 year old girl and have started getting facial hair and unwanted hair. i got my hormones checked and my ultrasound done.the reports say that my hormones are balanced and ultrasound report is also normal.but i am still getting unwanted hair.please suggest me any remedy.

Anonymous said...

Hi all at What you thinking about chicken recipes? rnexample: rnApple brandy chicken, made with chicken breast halves, apple brandy, cream, onions, and butter, along with mushrooms. rn 4 chicken breast halves rn rn salt and pepper rn 8 ounces sliced mushrooms rn 2 teaspoons olive oil rn 2 teaspoons butter rn 1/3 cup apple brandy, such as Apple Jack or Calvados rn 4 green onions, chopped rn 1/2 cup whipping cream or heavy cream rn 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves or 1/4 teaspoon dried leaf thyme rn rnPreparation: rnFlatten chicken; place chicken breast halves between pieces of plastic wrap and gently pound until thinned out and uniform in size. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. In a large heavy skillet, heat olive oil and butter over medium heat. Add chicken breasts. Cook for about 5 minutes, until browned, then turn. Add mushrooms and cook for about 5 minutes longer. Add green onions and apple brandy and cook for another minute, until chicken is cooked through and mushrooms are tender. Add cream and thyme; simmer until thickened. Taste and add salt and pepper if needed. rnHave you else any ideas? [url=]recipes for chicken[/url]

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Anonymous said...

sir me a girl having thick facial hair..... so is there any permanent treatment for these unwanted hairs ...

Dr Noor said...

yes ...
please read article again and check which medicine is at par with your symptoms. Contact me on my email address for any problem..

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Anonymous said...

Aslam o alikum
Dr. Your effort is really appreciated I like your article alot may Allah bless you with All His blessing.
Please help us out as my sister is having same trouble and she bought a a package named OLEUM JAC from market but in this package there is also a tube ,is it safe to use such package with tube and capsules.

Anonymous said...

Sir where are you?
As I'm waiting for your kind reply

Anonymous said...


Dr. i sent you an email but still have not received a reply.
Could you please tell me from where i can purchase this medication and how much it costs.

thank you

Dr Noor said...

Oleum Jac tablest or drops are easily available at homeopathic stores. Price may vary from country to country. The medicines are safe, however, one should remain in touch with homeopathic doctor.

Dr Noor said...

Comments are replied from time to time. However, sorry for any delay. For quick response please email me.

Anonymous said...

sir many drops and time in a day....dose of thuja will be taking..

Dr Noor said...

In case of Drops, use upto 5 drops in water for one dose
In case of Tabs , use 2 to 4 tabs
For other information read again carefuly.

Anonymous said...

sir its adsolutly sir that ....these madicine completly cure this problem...

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sravani said...

gud evening sir,
am 24 yrs old i have facial hair on chin and upper lip excessively,i usually remove 10days gap,while going to parlour i do threading and is little bit embrassing for me to go out in public to move.please kindly suggest me tht will homeopathy will be permanent solution for my problem,i visited alopathy too but i dint have any solution.i have harmonal imbalance.sir plz give me reply

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

I have exactly the same problems as sravani. I'm a 23 year-old male. Excessive hair almost all over my body. Which homeopathic medicine do you suggest? Thank you!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

sir, i,m a 23 year old girl with irregular mensus and excessive hair growth all over the body, how can i get rid of them?

Anonymous said...

Hello Sir I am 37 years old married women i have facial hair on chin and upper lip excessively,i usually remove 10days gap,while going to parlour i do threading and is little bit embrassing for me to go out in public to move.please kindly suggest me tht will homeopathy will be permanent solution for my problem,i visited alopathy too but i dint have any solution.i have harmonal imbalance.sir plz give me reply

Anonymous said...

Medicine Kane ki duration bataen k Jones kab or kitne month khani hai

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Aoa! Mry face py thick hair hain due to hormonal imbalance kia m oleum or thuja use kr skti hu plz tel me

Unknown said...

Aoa! Mry face py thick hair hain due to hormonal imbalance kia m oleum or thuja use kr skti hu plz tel me

Unknown said...

Mery face py thick hairs hain due to hormonal imbalanc kia m thuja or oleum use kr skti hu plz tel me

Unknown said...

Mery face py thick hairs hain due to hormonal imbalanc kia m thuja or oleum use kr skti hu plz tel me

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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