Monday, June 24, 2024

Baking Soda: Amazing facts and Health benefits

 Baking Soda: Amazing facts and Health benefits

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, offers a wide range of amazing benefits and versatile uses that extend beyond just baking. Here are some key points outlining the health benefits, surprising facts, and various applications of baking soda:

Health Benefits:

  1. Eliminating Bacteria and Fungi: Baking soda retains antibacterial and antifungal properties.
  2. Managing Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): Baking soda can be used in management of Urinary Tract Infections .
  3. Treating Insect Bites: It can help ease discomfort from insect bites.
  4. Improving Exercise: Baking soda supplementation may improve performance during high-intensity exercises
  5. Controlling Chronic Kidney Disease: Some studies suggest that baking soda supplements could slow the advancement of chronic kidney disease.
  6. Cancer Prevention: There is preliminary research indicating potential benefits of baking soda in the context of cancer treatment.
  7. Treating Heartburns and Indigestion: Baking soda can help neutralize stomach acid temporarily, providing relief from heartburn and indigestion.

Household Uses:

  1. Teeth Whitener: Baking soda is effective in whitening teeth and removing plaque.
  2. Deodorant: It can be utilized as a natural deodorant to neutralize body odors.
  3. Fridge Odor Neutralizer: Baking soda absorbs odors and freshens up refrigerators.
  4. Air Freshener: It is a safe alternative to commercial air fresheners, neutralizing odors effectively
  5. Kitchen Cleaner: Baking soda mixed with lemon juice or vinegar can clean various kitchen surfaces and items.

Surprising Facts:

  • Neutralizing Stomach Acid: Baking soda is naturally produced in the body to neutralize stomach acid, aiding in digestion.
  • Danger of Overconsumption: Excessive intake of baking soda can lead to poisoning, stomach ruptures, and interference with medications.
  • Role in Digestion: Baking soda helps activate enzymes essential for digestion by maintaining a balanced pH level in the gastrointestinal tract.

These points highlight the incredible benefits, versatile applications, and potential risks associated with the use of baking soda, emphasizing its significance in both health and household settings.


Sunday, June 23, 2024

پانی کی کمی بہت خطرناک ہو سکتی ہے

 انتہائی اہم! براہ کرم خود بھی پڑھیں اور فارورڈ بھی کریں

میڈیکل کالج میں، پروفیسر صاحب طب کے چوتھے سال کے طلباء کو کلینکل میڈیسن پڑھا رہے تھے، انہوں نے درج ذیل سوال کیا:
"بزرگوں میں ذہنی کنفیوشن کی وجوہات کیا ہیں؟"
کچھ نے کہا: "سر میں ٹیومر"۔
انہوں نے جواب دیا: نہیں!
دوسرے بول پڑے: "الزائمر کی ابتدائی علامات ہونگی"۔
انہوں نے پھر جواب دیا: نہیں!
جوابات آتے رہے اور رد ہوتے رہے یہاں تک کہ جوابات ختم ہوگئے
اسپر پروفیسر صاحب نے جواب دیا:
- پانی کی کمی سب سے بڑی وجہ ہوتی ہے!
شاید آپ کو بھی ان طلباء کی طرح یہ مذاق لگے؛ لیکن یہ حقیقت ہے.
60 سال سے زیادہ عمر کے لوگ میں عموماً پیاس محسوس کرنے کی صلاحیت معدوم ہو جاتی ہے جس کے نتیجے میں، بزرگ پانی پینا بہت کم کر دیتے ہیں۔
اگر انکے قریب کوئی انہیں لیکویڈ پینے کی یاد دلانے والا نہ ہو، تو وہ جلدی سے پانی کی کمی کا شکار ہو جاتے ہیں۔
پانی کی کمی خطرناک امر ہے اور پورے جسم کو متاثر کرتی ہے۔ لیکویڈ کی کمی بہت جلد ذہنی الجھن، بلڈ پریشر کی کمی، دل کی دھڑکن کے اضافہ، انجائنا (سینے میں درد)، کوما اور یہاں تک کہ موت کا سبب بن سکتا ہے۔ پانی زبردستی پیئیں اور پلائیں
لیکویڈ پینا بھول جانے کی یہ عادت 60 سال کی عمر میں شروع ہوتی ہے، جب ہمارے جسم میں پانی کا 50 فیصد سے زیادہ ہونا چاہیے۔
60 سال سے زیادہ عمر کے لوگوں کے جسم میں پانی کا ذخیرہ کم ہے۔ عمر بڑھنے کے ساتھ یہ کمی قدرتی امر ہے۔
بات یہاں ختم نہیں ہوتی مزید پیچیدگیاں بھی ہیں۔ اگرچہ وہ پانی کی کمی کا شکار ہوتے ہیں، وہ پانی کی کمی کو محسوس نہیں کرتے انہیں پیاس بہت کم لگتی ہے، وجہ یہ ہے کہ ان کے اندرونی توازن کا طریقہ کار اچھی طرح سے کام نہیں کرتا ہے۔ جیسے عمر بڑھتی جائے گی ویسے ویسے پیاس کم۔ہوتی چلے جائے گی
خلاصہ و تتمہ:
60 سال سے زیادہ عمر کے لوگ پانی کی کمی کا شکار رہتے ہیں، نہ صرف اس وجہ سے کہ ان کے جسم میں پانی کی فراہمی کم ہے۔ بلکہ اس لیے بھی کہ انہیں جسم میں پانی کی کمی محسوس نہیں ہوتی۔
اگرچہ 60 سال سے زیادہ عمر کے لوگ صحت مند نظر آتے ہیں، لیکن یہ پانی کی کمی رد عمل اور کیمیائی افعال کی کارکردگی ان کے پورے جسم کو نقصان پہنچا سکتی ہے۔
تو یہاں دو انتباہات ہیں:
1) مائعات پینے کی عادت ڈالیں۔ مائعات میں پانی، جوس، چائے، ناریل کا پانی، سوپ اور پانی سے بھرپور پھل جیسے تربوز، خربوزہ، آڑو اور انناس شامل ہیں۔ اورنج اور ٹینگرین بھی اچھے رہتے ہیں
اہم بات یہ ہے کہ ہر دو گھنٹے بعد آپ کو کچھ مائع ضرور پینا چاہیے۔
یاد رکھیں اور یاد دلائیں!
2) خاندان کے افراد کے لیے الرٹ: 60 سال سے زیادہ عمر کے لوگوں کو مسلسل لکویڈ پیش کریں۔ مشاہدہ کرتے رہیں
اگر آپ کو محسوس ہو کہ وہ مائعات کو مسترد کر رہے ہیں اور، روز بروز، وہ چڑچڑے ہورہے ہیں، لینے یا توجہ کی کمی کا مظاہرہ کرتے ہیں، تو یہ پانی کی کمی کی علامات ہیں۔
آپ انہیں روز زیادہ سے زیادہ پانی پینے کی ترغیب دیں
یہ معلومات دوسروں تک پہنچائیں۔ آپ کے دوستوں اور خاندان والوں کو اپنی پانی کی ضرورت کو جاننے اور صحت مند اور خوش رہنے میں آپ کی مدد کی ضرورت ہے۔ کیا آپ مدد کریں گے
*60 سال سے زیادہ عمر کے لوگوں کے ساتھ شیئر کرنا صدقہ جاریہ ہے*
سینئر شہریوں کے لیے اچھی معلومات کو آگے بڑھائیں میرے دوستوں برائے مہربانی اپنا خیال رکھیں۔ اللہ آپ سب کو سلامت رکھے اور صحت مند رکھے
آمین ثم آمین

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Etiquettes of Meat Consumption

Etiquette of Meat Consumption during Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, is a significant Islamic observance that commemorates the willingness of the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God. As part of this celebration, many Muslims partake in the ritual slaughter of animals and the subsequent consumption of the meat.

While the act of meat-eating during Eid holds profound religious and cultural significance, it is important to approach it with proper consideration and care. In this brief post, we shall explore the benefits, potential drawbacks, and key precautions to observe when consuming meat on this auspicious occasion.

Benefits of Meat Consumption during Eid:

- Fulfillment of a religious obligation and expression of devotion
- Provision of high-quality, nutrient-dense protein for sustenance
- Opportunity to share and distribute meat with those in need, fostering social cohesion

Potential Drawbacks and Considerations:

- Improper handling or storage of meat can pose health risks, such as foodborne illnesses
- Excessive or indulgent consumption of meat may have negative impacts on overall health
- Environmental concerns regarding the sustainability of large-scale animal slaughter

Key Precautions and Tips:

- Ensure that the slaughter and preparation of the meat adhere to Islamic guidelines and standards of cleanliness and humane treatment
- Practice moderation in meat consumption, balancing it with a diverse, well-rounded diet
- Prioritize the distribution of meat to those in need, such as the less fortunate and underprivileged members of the community
- Properly store, handle, and cook the meat to minimize the risk of foodborne diseases

By approaching the consumption of meat during Eid al-Adha with reverence, moderation, and consideration for health and ethical concerns, we can fully embrace the spirit of this sacred celebration while upholding the principles of responsible and sustainable living.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Share the knowledge and experience about Homeopathy

Share the knowledge and experience about Homeopathy

Dear Homeopaths

I invite you to please share your knowledge and practical experience with others here on this blog.
I shall be very grate if you provide your complete data e.g your name, city, clinic address and the main area/ specialization. Your sharing will be published with your name on this blog.

Chamomilla--The Great Children's Remedy

Chamomilla, A Great Children's Remedy

1) Chamomilla is known for being one of the principle remedies for the angry child, and associated with this anger is the full range of angry behaviors one can imagine including the following:
abusive children 2angry children 3destructive behaviors 1 disobedience 1defiance 2insolence 3kicking 2rudeness 1screaming 3snappish 3striking 3tantruming (my addition)
2) Chamomilla also has a discontented aspect with its accompanying features: 2
irritability 3capriciousness (asking for something and then refusing it) 2complaining 3gloomy disposition 3heart anguish, infants 2moaning behavior 2piteous moaning of child, because he can't have what he wants 3peevish (fretful, quarrelsome) 3restlessness (relieved by being carried about) 2

3) The Chamomilla child can be very sensitive and cry at the drop of a hat. It is also known for having extreme sensitivity to pain. Being stoic in the face of pain goes against this remedy. Here are some of the rubrics associated with sensitivity: 3
ailments after punishment 1crying 3crying since birth 1 crying when his will is not done 1crying quiet only when carried 3startled easily 2despair with the pain 2pain, unbearable 3violent behavior from pain 3anger from the pain 3

4) Desire to be carried is a keynote symptom for Chamomilla. 3
desire to be carried fast 2
5) Clinging behavior:
clinging child, awakens terrified, knows no one 1clinging child, wants to be held 2

6) Chamomilla is the most important remedy to know about for the problems of teething children, and other ailments that can occur during the teething time of life. (In a non-Chamomilla child or a teething child on another constitutional remedy consider using Hypericum in low potency or tincture for teething pain):
difficult dentition 3ailments from dentition 2convulsions with dentition 2diarrhea with dentition 2insomnia with dentition 1

Other ailments of children in which Chamomilla can make the difference between a happy baby and household and a miserable one are:

7) The Colic of infants. Chamomilla is the principle remedy to be considered: 3
colic indisposition to nurse from 2colic legs drawn up 2

8) Diarrhea of children: 3
corrodes anus 2frequent stools 2after nursing 1thin watery stools, withpains, worse at night 2

9) Ailments from breastfeeding: 3
worse from mother's milk 2ailments from weaning 2

10) Insomnia of children: 3
child must be carried 2child must be rocked 1child wakes up every 20 minutesthroughout the night andcries out (my addition)

11) Other characteristics of Chamomilla:
Averse to being spoken to or touched 3Obstinate 3Pain with numbness of the affected part 1Swelling or redness of one cheek, paleness of the other 3

11) Illnesses for which Chamomilla can be useful:
asthma 3earaches 3bedwetting 2constipation 2convulsions 2fevers, particularly if brought on by anger 3jaundice of the newborn 1labor pains and menstrual cramps of womenlearning disabilities 1rattling breathing of infants 2any acute ailment of children with the above characteristics

Thanks to Deborah Olenev, C.C.H. RSHom (NA)



Arnica is the Homeopathic aspirin. It is the first remedy to think of in any injury, because is treats pain and shock. If the accident is particularly severe, Aconite may be indicated also to treat the shock or fear associated with the injury, before Arnica is given.
Arnica is also known as the sportsman's remedy because of its usefulness in treating pain associated with muscle strain.
For bumps and bruises, Arnica ointments are available in pharmacies and they can be used directly on the spot. It is useful to take Arnica internally as well, to promote healing.
If the spot bruised, hit or crushed is in a nerverich area, (like fingers, toes, mouth or anus) Hypericum should be used, especially if the pain is throbbing and radiating. Hypericum is often indicated for a fall on the spine or coccyx.
When the head has been injured and headaches persist, Natrum sulphuricum should be thought of.

When the skin has been broken, Arnica ointment should not be applied. Calendula ointment is used instead to promote repair of the skin. Again, Arnica can be taken internally, as well as Calendula to promote the body's healing capacity.
If the cut is made with a sharp knife, or if it is deep, Staphysagria is a good remedy to prevent scarring.
Calendula mother tincture can be put in bath water to help heal cuts in hard to reach areas. You can soak a wound this way or even make a spray solution to apply to wounds.
Hypericum should again be though of for fingers and toes and that searing, throbbing pain associated with such wounds.

Ledum is the #1 remedy for puncture wounds and is usually given first. It is considered a preventative against tetanus which can result from such wounds.
After Ledum, or if the Ledum stage was missed, Hypericum follows well and is used often the beginning signs of tetanus have appeared (red streak from wound towards body and shooting pain).
Again Staphysagria can be used if the puncture is quite deep.

Arnica is the first remedy to use for a wound to the eye, especially if the eyeball is injured or if the soft tissue around the eye is bruised.
Aconite is also used for injury to the eye, especially is a foreign object is imbedded there and the patient is fearful.
For blunt injury to the eye which causes headaches, symphytum is the remedy of choice and can even heal longlasting, chronic ailments following a blow to the eye.
Ruta is a good remedy for acute eye strain.

Arnica is again the first remedy to consider in cases of sprain, externally and internally, as it alleviates pain and causes the reabsorption of blood which accumulates in the soft tissues when blood vessels are broken in an accident.
The second remedy to consider for sprains is Ruta gravoelens. It is used to treat injury to connective tissue, tendons and periosteum which are characterized by stiffness.
For less severe sprains which leave a sensation of stiffness on first motion, Rhus tox. is the primary remedy. Rhus will continue the healing after Arnica has been used to reduce the swelling of an injury.
Bryonia is used when the former remedies cannot completely heal a sprain and the injury is worse from any motion.

Again with any accident Arnica is given first for pain and swelling, Aconite as well if the patient is very frightened, which can often be the case with a fracture.
When a fracture is suspected, this must first be verified by XRay. Once the fracture is set, Symphytum is the remedy to repair the fracture.. Bryonia is used for fractured ribs and should be considered if a fracture remains painful after administering other remedies. Calc. phos. can also be used in slowhealing fractures.
Ruta is used more for injuries to the periosteum and to the knee, shin, or elbow. Ruta can be taken before and after XRays to minimize sideeffects.

Bee stings are treated with Apis (redness, burning, swelling, sticking pains) as well as for allergic reactions, hives, with the same characteristics.
Ledum is used to treat mosquito, black fly, and sand flea bites. It can be taken internally at 200C or as an ointment externally to relieve itching.
Arnica is used more to treat wasp stings.
Hypericum is used to treat more painful bites such as those of moose flies or deer flies, which remove a chunk of skin
The bites of snakes or other animals are usually treated like puncture wounds.
Staphysagria is also used for insect bites which itch excessively and create large welts. It can be taken preventively to reduce the number of bites when you know that you will be exposed.

Silicea is the primary remedy for ejecting splinters or any foreign object trapped under the skin. If Silicea is not successful, and the splinter is very sensitive, Hepar sulph 30 will do the job.
For boils, Belladonna can be given before pus forms, when the boil is very red, hot, painful and shiny.
When a boil is extremely sensitive and feels like there is a stick under the skin, Hepar sulph. Is again useful. Silica can be used acutely or constitutionally to treat boils which develop from every little injury.
When a child develops crop of angry-looking boils, especially on the buttocks, Sulphur is often the remedy.

For minor scalding or sunburn Calendula tincture or gel can be applied externally. It can also help in treating scars from previous burns. A red hot sunburn can be relieved with Belladonna.
Cantharis can be used internally or externally or both for more serious burns. A bad sunburn with blistering calls for Cantharis.
Causticum is used only internally for seconddegree burns.
Urtica urens is also a good remedy for first degree burns, especially if they sting.

Before a trip to the dentist, or any other medical procedure, if you are fearful, take Aconite 200C, you will be surprised how calm you can become.
Arnica should be taken before and after any procedure to minimize shock and help to heal bruising.
Hypericum should be taken after an operation in a nerverich area of the body. It helps to repair traumatized nerve tissue.
For incisions, Staphysagria is indispensable. It is usually given in a single dose after an operation. It also helps to cope with feelings of invasion which often follow surgical intervention of any kind.
For the sideeffects of anaesthetics, such as nausea, confusion and other discomforts, Phosphorus is the choice remedy. It can be given repeatedly until the unpleasant symptoms subside.
For injections, either vaccinations or for local or general anaesthesia, Ledum can counter the shock to the system. (puncture wound)

Nux vomica is the universal homeopathic cleanser and is usually administered in 200C potency once after a one-time exposure to toxic substances, such as medication or obnoxious fumes, or overindulgence in stimulants. If a person is more consistently exposed to toxic substances, sometimes Nux, along with a homeopathic dilution of the substance itself can be used on a regular basis to counteract long-term ill-effects.
When specific traumas are identified as blocking healing, specific corresponding homeopathic remedies can be used in sequential ascending doses to clear out the system. The ensuing reaction is termed at "cleansing" or "healing" reaction.

Often the most powerful blockages to healing can be longheld and unexpressed emotional traumas. It is a good idea to treat these emotions before they become a serious problem for the health of the individual.
FEAR: The first line remedy for fear is Aconite. A generalized anxiety can be treated with Aconite 30C, whereas a more specific frightening event can be treated immediately with Aconite 200C even before the onset of symptoms if the severity of the fright warrants it.
GRIEF: When a person suffers a loss, of a dear friend, pet, or loved one, Ignatia is the firstaid remedy. Ignatia can safely be given as high as 1M, but a lower potency will do, although it may have to be repeated.

ANGER: Staphysagria is the remedy for anger and resentment and it can be used to treat both immediate and longerterm instances. If a person experiences a deep humiliation, invasion of privacy or violation, Staphysagria can prevent that emotion from taking hold and coloring their whole perspective on life. Suppressed anger can lead to a number of physical ailments, particularly targeting mainly the digestive tract and liver, but can also result in tension headaches. Chamomilla is the remedy most often given to children when they experience stomach upset or other symptoms after a fit of anger or tantrum. Other remedies which are for symptoms following anger are Colocynthis (abdominal pain, headache, neuralgia > bending double, pressure) and Nux vom. (stomach pains> warmth, warm drinks, bending backwards).

HCV and homeopathy

Homeopathy and Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an inflammation of the liver caused by infection with the Hepatitis C virus (HCV). Although the virus is a relatively new discovery (first isolated in 1989), it has already left an indelible mark on humanity. It is estimated that there are more than 170 million people around the world who are infected with the virus, and the World Health Organization expects that number to balloon over the coming decade, due primarily to the lack of education and resources in the third world. Another factor contributing to the spread of the disease is that often the carriers of the virus show no symptoms during the disease's acute period and even many years into a chronic infection. This has led experts to conclude that there may be up to 3 million Americans who are carriers of the virus without even knowing that they are infected. The virus is transmitted by blood-to blood contact. In the United States, most new Hepatitis C transmission occurs through intravenous drug usage where needles or other drug paraphernalia is shared between users. Sexual contact can lead to the transmission of the virus as well, but only where there is blood-to-blood contact, not through the presence of the virus in vaginal fluid or semen. Additionally, there has been an increase in transmission from improperly sterilized dental equipment as well as from unorthodox tattooing methods. The disease is classified as acute when the person is infected with the virus for a time period not exceeding six months, and classified as chronic for any infection for over six months. Most people with chronic Hepatitis C develop long-term liver disease, which interferes with the liver's ability to function properly. Generalized signs and symptoms associated with chronic hepatitis C include: fatigue, flu-like symptoms, muscle pain, joint pain, intermittent low-grade fevers, itching, sleep disturbances, abdominal pain (especially in the right upper quadrant), appetite changes, nausea, dyspepsia, cognitive changes, depression, headaches, and mood swings. Up to one-third of persons diagnosed with chronic Hepatitis C will develop cirrhosis of the liver. Once chronic hepatitis C has progressed to cirrhosis, signs and symptoms may appear that are generally caused by either decreased liver function or increased pressure in the liver circulation, a condition known as portal hypertension. Possible signs and symptoms of liver cirrhosis include ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen), bruising and bleeding tendency, bone pain, varices (enlarged veins, especially in the stomach and esophagus), fatty stools (steatorrhea), jaundice, and a syndrome of cognitive impairment known as hepatic encephalopathy. The orthodox medical community has prescribed numerous antiviral medications ( Pegylated Interferon, Ribavirin, Amantadine, etc), to suppress the virus back into the body, with mixed results. According to some reports, these treatments have been effective in “curing” 50% of some genotypes of Hepatitis C. However, this antiviral “cure” has been accomplished only by putting its patients through a horrific combination of side effects, which last throughout the 6-month to one-year period of the therapy. Patients can expect crippling fatigue, nausea, nuetropenia, muscle pain and weakness, severe depression, anxiety, anemia, headaches, and insomnia. Some patients have endured even more serious side effects, including: psychosis, suicide, diabetes mellitus, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, acute pancreatitis, and pulmonary disorders. The treatment is so debilitating that a patient undergoing it can file for temporary disability in some cases. Additionally, because these treatments are so new (less than 15 years), there are likely other long-term complications that have not yet been fully exposed. I wouldn't consider a person “cured” if they are weaker or sicker in other areas or if their overall health becomes worse after the treatment.

Homeopathic Treatments for Symptoms of Liver Disease
Some homeopathic medicines require a prescription while others can be purchased over-the-counter. While homeopathy is ideal for self treatment of conditions that are generally self-limited such as colds, influenza, and headaches, the treatment of chronic hepatitis C is best accomplished by a trained professional. Aconite is sometimes used to treat the high fever, restlessness, and fearful anguish that can occur in the earliest stage of acute liver disease. Belladonna, chelidonium, lycopodium, mercurius, nux vomica, and the herb china may be used to treat shooting pain in the region of the liver. The herb china is also useful for treating symptoms such as sensitivity to pressure in the liver, the tendency to become chilled, and sensitivity to open air. It is also used to treat feelings of heaviness or fullness in the stomach and abdomen, especially after eating. I use an immune stimulator in my practice to help patients handle viral infections such as hepatitis C more effectively. The stimulator is a combination remedy that includes Triffolium pratense, Echinacea purpurea, Asclepias tuberosa, Ferrum lodatum, Vaccinum, Euphrasia off., Thuja occidentalis, Camphora, Calcarea arsenica, Ichthyolum, Vaccinotoxinum, Morbillinum, Variolinum, Influenzinum, Vincetoxicum, Coxsackievirus, Encephalitis, Calmette-Guerin, Cytomegalovirus, and isotonic plasma.
Insuring the Safety of Homeopathic Remedies
According to federal law, homeopathic remedies are considered drugs. To be considered an official homeopathic medicine, a product must meet the guidelines described in the Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) developed by the American Homeopathic Pharmacists Association and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A remedy must have known homeopathic proving and/or known effects that mimic the symptoms, syndromes, or conditions for which it is given. It must also meet the manufacturing specifications established by the Homœopathic Pharmacopœia of the United States (HPUS). HPUS is the official compendium of homeopathic medicines recognized by the FDA. The HPUS contains all of the official manufacturing procedures for homeopathic medicines. This includes procedures for dosing, labeling, and administration information for users. Currently, there are over 1,300 official HPUS substances. The HPUS initials on a product label identifies it as a homeopathic medicine, and insures that the legal standards for strength, quality, purity, and packaging have been met for that product.
The standards applied to products seeking HPUS approval are established by the Homœopathic Pharmacœpœia Convention of the United States (HPCUS). HPCUS is a nongovernmental, nonprofit, scientific organization. HPCUS members are experts in the fields of medicine, art, biology, chemistry, and pharmacology who have appropriate training and demonstrated knowledge, and an interest in homeopathy.
The Role of Diet in Homeopathic Medicine
A good diet that stimulates your immune system is an important companion to homeopathic remedies. Good nutrition can help you obtain and maintain good health. It can also help improve the health of your liver. The following yeast-free diet was designed to help clean your system, reduce stress on your liver, and maintain good health.
Recommended Foods and Liquids
Fish, Lamb, Wild Game
preferably organic, not smoked, and without the skin
chicken and turkey - preferably organic, not smoked, and without the skin
Dairy Products
butter - preferably brands that are pesticide and hormone free such as eggs, sheep and goat milk yogurts and cheeses.
Fresh Vegetables
preferably organic wash thoroughly
Starchy Vegetables
potatoes sweet potatoes yams pumpkin acorn and butternut squash sheep and goat milk yogurts and cheeses
Fresh Fruits (in moderation)
citrus fruits kiwi melons apples pears peaches
unsweetened juices filtered water (not distilled water)soy drinks herbal teas such as Take-a-Break is a good, caffeine-free substitute for coffee. It is very important to drink at least eight glasses of water each day
Foods To Be Eaten in Moderation
pumpkin seeds
Grains (limit white flour and wheat products)
air-popped popcorn muffins biscuits cornbread pancakes (made with soymilk or water and honey)pastas potatoes rice and rice cakes grains (such as couscous, quinoa, millet)grits yeast-free breads made with baking powder and limited white flour tortillas and tortilla chips (not fried)
lentil  beans pinto beans split peas black eyed peas
Rice and grains(limit white flour and wheat products)
sourdough  bread
Foods and Liquids To Avoid on This Diet
Red Meats
beef veal pork
grapes raisins bananas plums all dried fruits glazed with sugar
Cow Dairy Products
milk milk products: cheese, margarine, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream, etc. Butter is acceptable if it is pesticide and hormone free.
breads made with yeast
Specific Condiments
ketchup mustard mayonnaise (unless homemade)vinegar (except apple cider vinegar)yeast pickles olives soy, teriyaki, barbecue sauce and hot sauces such as picante Sweeteners
sugar artificial sweeteners
alcohol - including all beer, wine, hard liquor, or anything fermented caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee tea soft drinks

Balding in females part 1

Female Balding, Causes and the Solutions Part-1

As a woman, you are very lucky as you have hormones that are naturally produced by your body that can protect your from hair loss. However, there are some women who are susceptible to hair loss because her hormonal pattern changes. You may not know it but today, there are quite a lot of women who experiences hair thinning even before they reach their menopausal age. You have to remember that there are underlying factors that can contribute to female balding that you have to know about in order for you to know how to prevent it from happening to you.

The most common types of female hair loss are temporary hair loss that is mainly caused by taking contraceptive pills. You have to remember that birth control or contraceptive pills can cause an imbalance in your hormones. So, if you are taking birth control pills, it is very likely that you will experience hair loss. Women who recently gave birth can also experience hair loss because it can also cause hormonal imbalance. If you experience hair loss because of these situations, then you don’t need to worry about anything. After a few months of giving birth and after you stop taking birth control pills, you will see that the volume of your hair will be restored to normal.
Hair loss can also occur because of illnesses, such as diabetes, and hyperthyroidism. By maintaining your glucose levels to normal and by eating the right kinds of food as well as getting your hyperthyroidism treated, you will see that your hair will be maintained to its original volume.
Women who wear their hair in a tight style are also susceptible to hair loss. Before it’s too late and before it leaves scars on your scalp, change the way you wear your hair. It is also recommended that you should never get your hair dyed often as this can damage the hair as well as the roots causing it to die.
Genetic factors can also cause hair loss. If you have parents and grandparents who suffers from hair loss, then it is very likely that you will also suffer from this condition.
Another cause of hair loss is a condition called alopecia areata. In this condition, the body’s autoimmune system will attack the hair follicles causing it to die. When this happens, you will have patches baldness or thin hair in different areas of your head. This happens because of a virus and in most cases the hair will recover after a year or so. There are rare cases where women experiences severe form of this condition that can cause permanent and total hair loss.
As you can see, there are quite a lot of causes of hair loss in women. If you are one of the many women who have thinning hair prematurely, you might want to consult your doctor or dermatologist about it. By doing this, you will be able to know the cause of hair loss and also know about what you can do about it.
Female balding is not really an entirely new condition. Always remember that maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding abusing your hair by ironing it and dyeing it often will be able to help in maintaining a normal and healthy hair. Remember these things and you can be sure that you will be able to know how you can prevent hair loss from happening to you.
About the author: John Tulley manages the Provillus Alpha7: natural hair regrowth web site. Our web site has more detailed information about male and female balding.

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Female Hair Loss, balding Part-2

Female Hair Loss- Part-2

In the last post, we looked at some causes of hair thinning and hair loss. In this post, we look at how homeopathy can help with these problems. Through today’s post, I hope to inspire you to try homeopathic remedies for hair loss or hair thinning, and enjoy a full head of hair again.
Homeopathic treatment is aimed at not just medicating you for your ailment, but to treat you from within to remedy the root cause of the problem. Depending on your age, lifestyle, diet, cause of hair loss, nature and pattern of hair fall, Homeopathy can provide great solutions for hair thinning and hair loss.
If a clear external cause is found, such as excessive hair dyeing, excessive shampooing and blow drying, unhealthy eating, wearing the hair too tight, recent childbirth, use of contraceptive pills, etc, removing/managing the cause itself will resolve the hair loss problem in most cases.
If the underlying cause is hormone-related such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, or a serious illness, Homeopathy can be used to treat the underlying condition and arrest further hair loss or even renew hair growth.
If the underlying cause of hair loss is emotional stress, Homeopathy can help balance your emotions, and arrest hair loss at the same time. Flower Remedies are also excellent for managing stress. [Get a copy of my free ebook on “Stress Relief for Women, using Flower Remedies” by signing up on the right hand side bar].
Homeopathic solutions for chronic hair loss will require consultation with a qualified practitioner. For short-term issues, you may be able to self-treat. Some Homeopathic remedies that can help treat hair loss are:
Fluoric acid - For brittle hair that falls out in small tufts.
Lycopodium - For premature balding and graying, or hair loss after childbirth. Eczema is often behind the ears.
Kali carbonicum - For dry, thinning hair. Scalp is very dry. Dandruff is also present.
Kali Sulphuricum - For yellow, flaking dandruff, which may be moist or sticky. Hair falls out, leaving bald spots.
Natrum Mur - When hair loss is accompanied by dandruff and white crusts on the scalp. Greasy around the hairline. Hair fall after childbirth.
Sepia - hair fall during pregnancy, after childbirth or during nursing.
Phosphorus - Hair falls out in handfuls. Bald spots on the head that are dry and scaly.
Phosphorum acidum - Hair fall stemming from depression or after a severe illness. Hair thins out, turns gray early and falls out.
Selenium - For hair loss on the body and scalp. The scalp feels painful when touched.
Calcarea Phos - hair falls in bunches upon combing
Vinca Minor - falling of hair with great itching of scalp.
Weisbaden - useful for most types of hair loss.
The chosen remedy can be taken in 30c potency, thrice daily for 2 weeks. For dosage, please see manufacturer’s instructions.
If there is good improvement, continue with the same remedy for another 2 weeks, but reduce to twice daily. You can stop treatment after 1 month when good results have been achieved.
If there is no improvement or if you have any long-term conditions, it is best to consult with a qualified practitioner.
If you want to consult with me, please contact through this blog or at my clinic address.

Twelve Tissue Salts

An Introduction to Bio Salts (12 Tissue Salts)

1. Calcarea Fluoride

Calcarea Fluoride is an important mineral to help calcium bond to teeth. Fluoride works by bonding calcium from the saliva to the enamel of the teeth. Calcarea Fluoride is Calcium Fluoride, homeopathic fluoride. In liquid form for quick absorption. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Other forms of fluoride are often chemical byproducts and poisons. Over the counter Fluorides are only to be used topically on teeth, not swallowed. For internal use, use Calcium Fluoride 12X liquid. Calc fluor will not cause mottling and darkening of the teeth that can be a problem in areas that have naturally high amounts of fluoride in the water.
Calcium fluorica helps with repeated sprains. Calcium Fluoride is an important mineral for teeth, skin, and bones. Calcium Fluoride can sooth teething pain and toothache. Safe for all ages. If lacking in Calcium Fluoride, emotional symptoms include uncertainty and difficulty making choices.
Calcarea Fluoride is beneficial for symptoms that feel worse in damp weather. Calcarea Fluoride is useful in skin problems such as rough, chapped skin. Calcarea Fluoride is helpful for colds with mucous or mucous appearing greenish in color.
Calcium Fluoride is important for tissue strength for varicose veins and muscle tone.
Calcarea Fluoride is useful for fistulas; hemorrhoids, varicose veins; weak muscle tone. Also known as Calcarea Fluorica.

2. Calcium Fluoride

Calcium Fluoride #1 mineral for helping Calcium bond to teeth. Fluoride works by bonding calcium from the saliva to the enamel of the teeth. Use Calcium Fluoride, rather than other forms of Fluoride that are chemical byproducts and actual poisons.
Over the counter Fluorides are only to be used topically on teeth, not swallowed. For internal use, use Calcium Fluoride 6X in Cell Salt tablets. Calc Fluor will not cause mottling and darkening of the teeth, which can be a problem in areas that have naturally high amounts of fluoride in the water.Calcium Fluoride is an important mineral for teeth, skin, bones.Calcium Fluoride can sooth teething pain and toothache. Safe for all ages. Calcium fluorica helps with repeated sprains.
Calcium Fluride supports circulation. Used for colds, coughs, excess mucous. Decreases swelling, enlarged veins. Help for swollen glands, tight muscles, hardened glands. Calcium Fl is part of the elastic fibres found in the skin, connective tissue, and in the vascular walls providing support for muscles, tendons and bones. If lacking in Calcium Fluoride, emotional symptoms include uncertaintyand difficulty making choices.
Symptoms may feel worse in damp weather. Useful in skin problems such as rough, chapped skin.
Colds with green mucous.
Calcium Fluoride is important for tissue strength for varicose veins and muscle tone. Useful for fistulas; hemorrhoids, varicose veins; weak muscle tone. Calcarea Fluorica, Calcarea Fluor, Calc Fluor, Ca Fl all refer to the important mineral Calcium Fluoride, Fluoride of Lime. Calcium Fluoride is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler.
3. Calcium Phosphate

Calcium Phosphate is our #1 remedy for bones. Important support for growing pains in youth. Calcium Phosphate is helpful for changing and growing phases such as bone growth, dentition, puberty. Helpful for healing phases with support for blood cells and anemia, and healing of bone injury.
Use along with other therapies when the body is suffering from weakness. Called the feel good remedy because it helps rebuild cells and promotes circulation. Promotes healthy cellular activity and restores tone to weakened organs and tissues. Speeds recovery, improves circulation and replenishes the body's reserve of strength. Useful for persistent coughs, weak digestion, joint pain, broken bones. Calcium Phosphate helps for numbness in extremities, painful joints, tooth decay problems, gallstones.
Sore throats that are painful upon swallowing. Children's headaches."Know Your Remedy" book mentions Calcium Phosphate for weak children with adenoid problems.
Calcium Phosphate's Mini Materia Medica:
Headaches: Especially of school children Slow Healing Fractures, "Growing Pains" of youth. Pains in joints & bones.
Knitting of bones from hairline fractures, or bone breaks. Pains in muscles & bones. Important support for growing bones.
Helps the body take up Calcium to help with tooth decay problems.Teething Difficulties: delayed or painful teething, calcium malabsorptionCalcium Phosphate is useful when the person generally feels better in the summer, warm, dry weather and feels worse by cold, damp weather, stress, weather changes, mental exertion.
Homeopathy uses the term Cell Salt to refer to mineral salts used within the cells of the body. The Cell Salts are taken in low homeopathic potency to help the body utilize that mineral more efficiently in the body. Can use on a regular basis to help with calcium absorption. Helps solve the problem of hard to dissolve supplements, with the problems of high calcium blood levels, but low calcium in the cells.
Calcium Phosphate from Phosphate of Lime, may also go under the names Calcarea Phosphorica, Calcium Phosphoricum, Calcarea Phos and Calc Phos.

4. Calcium Sulphate

Available in liquid form for quick absorption. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Calcium Sulphate is used by the liver and helps in the removal of wastes and cleaning toxins from the body. Calcarea Sulphur is used by the liver and helps in the removal of wastes and cleaning toxins from the body. Rashes, acne and damaged skin need Calcarea Sulphur because it improves skin health. Supports the liver in the job of clearing impurities internally so they are not expelled through the skin. This prevents toxins from being eliminated through the skin resulting in clearer skin.
As blood purifier remedy and very useful to improve skin ailments: Teenage acne. Acne Rosacea Eruptions on face, neck, shouldersLiver spotsBoils and acne Slow healing skin conditions and stubborn skin problems, abscesses, wounds.
Helps with cleansing toxins in the body. swollen glands.Use Calcarea Sulphur in early stages of colds, and sore throats to prevent illnesses from worsening, helps to clear out mucous from colds.Deficiency of this important mineral can cause negativity and apathy, poor skin, teeth, swollen glands.
Calcium Sulphate is very beneficial for health problems that are worse after getting wet and better in warm, dry atmosphere. Use Calcium Sulphate along with these other Cell Salts: Natrum Mur for moist acne, pus; Silicea for teenage acne and unhealthy hair, nail and skin conditions.
Homeopathic Cell salts provide us with important minerals to heal skin tissue.Calcium Sulphate may also go under the names Calcarea Sulphurica, Calcarea Sulphur, Calcarea Sulph, Calc Sulpher, Calc Sulph.

5. Ferrum Phos

FerrumPhosphate is the #1 mineral for the blood's main oxygen carrier. Experts feel Ferrum Phos should always be considered as a supplement remedy to speed recovery for first aid. Keep on hand for high Fevers that do not respond to the remedy Belladonna.
Helpful for anemia. Ferrum Phos is helpful for low or mild fever, infections, inflammations, fatigue, lack of stamina, chronic conditions, congestion, muscular strains. FERRUM PHOS- #1 remedy for inflammations. Fatigue, weakness. Illness has drained color out of the child's face.
Keynote is a slow and gradual onset of illness. Opposite of Aconite's rapid onset of illness.
Useful for nosebleeds, sore throat, stuffy nose. In homeopathic form, this mineral goes right into the cells to help with oxygenation.
Ferrum Phos is considered by many an appropriate addition to other homeopathic remedies.Ferrum Phos is helpful for infections, inflammations, fatigue, lack of stamina, chronic conditions.
Ferrum Phosphoricum, Remedy for inflammations, congestion, rapid pulse, fevers, muscular strains. Apply the crushed tablets to cuts and scrapes to help slow bleeding and prevent scarring. Better from touch or cold application. Worse from during the evening and night, motion, right sideIt gives strength and toughness to the circular walls of the blood vessels, especially the arteries. Ferrum phos helps with a lack of blood corpuscles as in anemia, and also as a first aid remedy for hemorrhages. This tissue salt can be given at the early stages of most acute disorders, and it should be administered at frequent intervals until the inflammatory symptoms subside. Ferrum Phosphoricum's Mini Materia Medica:
Cough: Helpful for painful, short, tickling cough. Hard, dry cough with sore chest. Better at night.
Diarrhea: Useful for diarrhea with fever, from infections.Earache: Helpful for early stages of an earache. Ear feels stopped, pain, and throbbing. When Belladonna fails.
Fever: Useful for fever with gradual Onset. Early stages, no clear symptoms for any other remedy. Pale, easy flushing, rosy cheeks. Rapid, soft pulse. RestlessHeadache: Helpful for head sore to touch with throbbing pain. Worse from excess sun, moving, cold.
Hemorrhage: Useful for bright bleeding from any orifice.Nosebleeds: Helpful for nosebleeds with profuse, bright red blood. Clots easily.Sleeplessness: Useful for restlessness and anxious dreamsSore Throat: Helpful for a sore throat in its early stages. Tonsils red and swollen. Sore throat of singers and speakers. After operations on throat and nose.Ferrum Phosphoricum, Ferrum Phosphate, Ferrum Phos all refer to the important mineral Iron Phosphate. Ferrum Phosphate is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler.
5. Kali Mur

Kali Mur is helpful for health problems where the body feels sluggish, with poor circulation. Such as fatigue, toxicity, allergies, excess mucous, degenerative conditions. Deficiency symptoms include sinus infections, joint inflammation, skin conditions.
Emotional deficiency symptoms include nervousness, anxiety, mental confusion, lack of interest.
Kali Mur is great for cold relief when there is white nasal discharge, tongue is coated white and sinus problems exists. Use Kali Mur for sore throats, coughs, fever. Useful for swollen tonsils, sore throats, ear infections. Kali Mur is useful for chronic catarrhal conditions of the middle ear and throat. Beneficial for ulcerated sore throats and tonsillitis.
Kali Mur from the mineral potassium chloride. Potassium is found in muscles, nerve cells and brain cells. Kali Mur is useful for problems of nervousness and anxiety and lack of mental clarity.
Kali Mur is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler. Also known as Kali Muriaticum.
6. Kali Phos –

Kali Phos has often been referred to as the pick-me-up Cell Salt. And with good reason. Potassium is an important electrolyte and is crucial for energy. Potassium controls pH balance and water balance. Regulates the transfer of nutrients into the cells. Kali Phos feeds the nerves. It is the cell salt for any nervous conditions like brain exhaustion, upset stomach, nervous headache, sleeplessness, grumpiness, neuralgia, despondencies, hysteria, and pains. It is used successfully for the treatment of shingles because the underlying source may be due to nerves.
Potassium supports the adrenals, so is helpful for stressful times that can overtax the adrenals.
Kali phos is helpful for tension headaches associated with intellectual fatigue. Remember Kali Ph for mental energy and for physical energy.If you lack stamina part way through the day, use Kali Ph. Remember Kali Ph for the stress of teens also.
Helpful in times of stress that need a clear mind, such as before an exam or presentation. Kali Ph is the #1 Cell Salt to remember for nervousness and stress relief.
Sluggishness and fatigue in adults. Kali Phos goes directly into the cells to naturally balance mental or physical fatigue.A great nerve nutrient. Nervous headaches and indigestion. Kali Phos for Dental Problems: Dry Mouth Spongy Gums Bleeding Gums Receding Gums Bad Breathe Dental problems worse with AnxietyIrritability of youngsters with strong willed kids or ADD, ADHD.May be helpful for jet lag and motion sickness, take prior to traveling and following few days.

7. Kali Sulphate –

Potassium Sulphur 6X 500 tablets Kali Sulphur is the #1 remedy to help rid the body of toxins. Skin problems are often due to poor elimination of toxins. Kali Sulphur can help with adult acne and is an important remedy for psoriasis. Kali Sulphur helps with rebuilding healthy skin cells and balancing natural oils on skin. Always useful remedy for skin problems. Helpful where skin is scaling or sloughing off such as dandruff and psoriasis; psoriatic arthritis. Kali Sulphur brings oxygen to the skin. A person needing Kali Sulphur is more prone to constipation, dry scalp, and poor skin.
Use for children during childhood skin problems. Kali Sulphur is helpful for colds with yellow nasal discharge. Use for colds and problems of excess mucous. Useful when there is a feeling of stuffiness.
Kali Sulphur may also go under the names Kali Sulphate, Kali Sulfur, Kali Sulphuricum and the important mineral Potassium Sulphate. Unit Dose is a small tube of quick melting #20 tiny poppy seed size pellets. Entire tube may be taken as one dose or take a few pellets at a time.

8. Magnesium Phos

Magnesium Phos is homeopathic Magnesium phosphate. Now available in liquid form for quick absorption. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Magnesium Phos is the best remedy for muscle spasms-back, leg, abdomen or calf. Use in the evening for a peaceful night sleep without charley horses. Relax tight back muscles. Supports intestinal health and beneficial for abdominal spasms and intestinal problems such as colitis or constipation. Magnesium Phos calms agitated nerves for pain relief of headache, writer’s cramp, sciatica, neuralgia. Use before and after dental work to calm tooth pain. Spasmodic is a key symptom and Magnesium Phos calms spasmodic coughs, hiccups, menstrual cramps. Magnesium helps with abdominal pains improved by eating. Magnesium Phos is from magnesium, an important mineral that is involved in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body. Homeopathic Magnesium Phos goes quickly into the system for prompt relief. Studies have shown that most adults are deficient in the mineral magnesium. Refined foods, pollution, non-absorption and insufficient ability of the body to utilize magnesium in the body are some of the causes. It is especially recommended that diabetics, individuals with heart disease and those with high blood pressure have their magnesium levels checked. Magnesium Phos, especially in low potency 6X, can help your body utilize magnesium in the body and from food and is completely safe (unlike 500 mg supplements that can cause bowel overload with resulting diarrhea). Helpful information on Potency.
Cell Salts are homeopathic potency of minerals used within the cells. Cell Salts can improve the body’s ability to absorb Magnesium. If lacking in Magnesium Phos, nerves are on edge with the inability to relax emotionally (showing as anxiety, nervous disorders, depression) and physically (showing as muscle problems, fibromyalgia-worse with even a light touch, nerve sensitivity-even the skin may feel overly sensitive).
Deficiency symptoms include stress, pain, anxiety, depression, muscle spasms, migraine headaches, PMS headaches, agitation, irritability, constipation, fatigue. Magnesium Phos is found inside the cells of muscles, nerves, bones, the brain and spine. Deficiency affects muscle fibers and nerve endings. Magnesium is one of the trio including Potassium and Calcium involved in muscle function. Magnesium deficiency has been linked with CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Consider Magnesium Phosphate when there has been nerve injury or damage. Speed injury recovery with Magnesium Phos. Magnesium Phos is indicated when nerve pain is shooting, darting, or spasmodic. Couple this with magnesium's presence in the brain and you'll see Magnesium Phos importance in neuralgias and headaches.
Magnesium Phos is the #1 mineral used within the cells for nerve pain. Indicated for migraines, fatigue, hearing disorders, Meniere’s disease, neuralgia, panic attacks.Works successfully with other therapies. Absorbs instantly, great for people with digestion difficulties. One customer emails, "Dear Kathryn, The information you have sent me and with my using the Cell Salts and remedies that you advised have made me feel 90% better. I thank you with all of my heart." Beverly from Delhi, Iowa.Magnesium Phos' Mini Materia Medica:
Abdominal: Helpful for intestinal problems, calm spasmodic abdominal cramping.
Colic: Useful for colic with much gas & belching, without reliefMenstrual cramps: Helpful for menstrual cramps that are relieved by onset of flow. Shooting, darting pains. Person may feel pain is better from warmth, gentle pressure. Person may feel pain is worse with cold air, drafts.Muscle spasms: Useful for leg cramps and writer's crampPain: Helpful for pain with sharp, cutting, shooting, and constricting sensation.
PMS: Useful for irritability, intestinal symptoms, anxiety, PMS headaches.Magnesia Phosphorus may also go under the names Magnesia Phosphorica, Magnesia Phos, Magnesia Phosphorica, Magnesium Phosphate, Magnesium Phosphorus, Magnesium Phos, Mag Phos, Mag Phos, Mg Ph. Magnesium Phos is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Bi ochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler.

9. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is homeopathic Sodium Chloride from salt. Now available in liquid form for quick absorption. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Natrum Mur is the #1 mineral that balances water distribution in the body. Natrum Mur is the mineral that regulates water balance in the body. Along with Potassium (Kali Phos), Natrum Mur is a very important electrolyte within our cells. Nat Mur is used for a headache that begins at the root of the nose and extends to the forehead and is associated with nausea. Natrum Mur is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler. Natrum Mur is useful in ailments involving water balance, this includes sinus, mucous, hay fever, edema, puffy eyes, lightheadedness, perspiration, eye health, constipation, dizziness, water retention, PMS, menopause, headaches. Natrum Mur helps with an allergic runny nose. Eye health including dry eyes, itchy eyes, weak eyes, dark circles under the eyes and glaucoma (from the book, Twelve Tissue Remedies.Natrum Mur is one of the most common constitutional types and a polycrest remedy, meaning this remedy works on many areas of the body, including many physical and emotional symptoms. If you suffer from lack of energy, depression, excess sensitivity you may benefit from Natrum Mur. Natrum Mur is also helpful for coughs, hay fever, sinusitis and colds; migraines; slow digestion with heartburn, Natrum Mur is indicated to rebalance health problems stemming from over use of table salt. Used for dry skin and hang nails. Headaches and migraine symptoms helped by Natrum Mur: Throbbing , blinding headache as if hammers going off in brain. Headache from eyestrain, from anemia, from colds; blurred vision that is worse looking down or with flickering lights; with backache.
Head feels too large. Congestion. Headache from the sun, heat, with heat making headache worse; person feels they need to wear sunglasses indoors; headache of school children and if from anemia. Headaches worse 10 am - 3 pm. Movement, music, etc. makes headache worse. Wants to be alone. Migraine preceded by numbness and tingling in lips, nose, and tongue.This remedy may go by the name Natrum Mur, Nat Mur, Natrum Muriaticum.20% alcohol by volume.

10. Natrum Phosphate

Natrum Phosphate is now available in liquid form for quick absorption. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Natrum Phosphate is the #1 mineral for digestion. If your health problems involve poor digestion, use Natrum Phosphate with your meals. Important for children or adults with poor health from nutritional deficiencies or suffer from food allergies, food sensitivities. "Excess of acid" is a misnomer and is actually a deficiency in phosphate of sodium- the mineral salt of Natrum Phosphate. A lack of proper balance of the alkaline Cell Salt in gastric enzyme activity will allow fermentations and retard digestion. Natrum Phosphate helps restore balance and is useful for acidity, heartburn, dyspepsia, gas, distention or bloating, constipation, flatulence. Useful for upset stomach and sleeplessness due to indigestion; grinding teeth. Suited to young children who have been fed too much sugar; sour vomiting; greenish, sour diarrhea, coated tongue; foul smelling diarrhea of children from improper digestion; worms.
Natrum Phosphate is indicated in hot flashes worsened with indigestion. Toxins come through the skin when digestion is poor, so use Natrum Phosphate for skin conditions-Yellow secretions from acne, eczema, pimples like flea bites all over the body. Natrum Phosphate is important to remember if you suffer from excess uric acid, such as gout, joint pain, arthritis stiffness, swelling. Emotional symptoms of deficiency are displays of criticism, selfishness, envy, agitation. The eyes are said to be an indicator of liver and digestive system health. Natrum Phos is helpful for eye health, sensitive eyes, and cataracts. Neuralgia. Natrum Phosphate may also go under the names Natrum Phosphoricum, Natrum Phos, Nat Phos, Sodium Phosphate. Natrum Phosphate is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potencyused within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler.

11. Natrum Sulphate

Natrum Sulphate is now available in liquid form for quick absorption. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Natrum Sulphate is the #1 mineral for water distribution, removing wastes in the body and support for the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, pancreas, intestines and lungs. Useful homeopathic supplement for asthma, diabetes, headaches, edema, gall stones.Natrum Sulphate is found primarily in the liver where it assists with the healthy function of the organ. It is the primary remedy for influenza and other symptoms made worse from humidity. Natrum Sulph helps with bronchial irritation worsened by humidity. It also acts on the kidneys.
Boericke tells us Natrum Sulphate is the constitutional remedy for children with asthma weakness.
Natrum Sulphate is beneficial for digestive problems such as nausea, sick headaches, bitter taste in the mouth, oral thrush, liver troubles, urinary problems.The remedy offers support for the pancreas and kidneys and improving diabetes mellitus and insulin disorders.
liver;gall bladder and reducing gallstones; intestinal tract for improving chronic diarrhea, loose stools, colitis; kidneys and reducing edema; lungs and strengthening the respiratory system and improving asthma, especially asthma that is worse in humid weather.
Emotional symptoms of deficiency in Nat Sulph are depression, feeling weak, fearful, suicidal. Useful in children and teenagers who feel bad about themselves (life sucks to this teen). Person may feel isolated and buy into doom and gloom mentality of music they may listen to, but which only worsens their despondency. They may alternate from being subdued to acting impulsively. Helpful for symptom of yellowish skin or eyes or greenish color from excess bile which shows up on tongue, diarrhea or vomit.
Also consider Natrum Sulphur when health problems started after a head injury or when a person feels worse in humid, damp, warm weather. Natrum Sulphuricum, Natrum Sulphuric, Natrum Sulphur, Natrum Sulph, Nat Sulphate, Nat Sulphur, Nat Sulph, all refer to this important mineral Sodium Sulphate. Natrum Sulphate is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler.Homeopathic liquid dilution in 20% alcohol by volume.
12. Silicea - Silica

Silicea is the #1 Cell Salt mineral for improving hair, skin and/or nails health: skin conditions; dry hair, skin or nails; acne; boils; ulcers; unhealthy skin. Silica is naturally found in our skin, hair, nails and connective tissues in the body. Silicea is often used when problems have turned into chronic concerns. To help clear skin eruptions, pull out a splinter, pull infection from an abscess.
Silicea is basic remedy and helpful for general weakness and anemia. Silicea helps with fatigue and irritability due to overwork. Silica is an insulator of the nerves, protects them and directs correct messaging to the nervous system. Helpful for diseases of the nervous system, such as vertigo; throbbing pain; tremors and paralysis; weakness in the back with pain.
Silicea can help with mental symptoms as well as physical symptoms. Helps the person who has a hard time getting up in the morning, muscles and mind feels weary. Helps when overtaxing the mind makes the person irritable and the mind cloudy. Helpful for young people and students who get nervous headaches, mental exhaustion, easily distracted and fatigued and stress out. Fatigue and irritability due to overwork.
Silica is used when pain begins in the back of the head and settles over the eyes. Silicea symptoms are often worse 12-3 am and feel worse with physical or mental exertion, worse with noise and music and better lying down in a darkened room. Symptoms feel better with warm applications and worse when weather changes for the worse, such as storms, winter, cold and damp conditions.Silicea, Silica, is from the mineral silica, pure flint, oxide of silicon. Silica is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler.

Bronchial Asthma

Homeopathy and Bronchial Asthma

An acute, spasmodic condition, characterized by paroxysms of wheezy, difficult breathing and tightness in the chest. Usually becomes chronic.
Causes:Often said to be of allergic, dietetic, climatic, emotional or familial origin. No consistent cause is known. Usually better from a change of environment.
Symptoms:Difficulty of expiration, tightness of the chest, anxiety, fatigue, laboured, audible expiratory phase, with a high pitched wheeze. Perspiration. Grey, yellow or white, cast-like sputum.


Aconitum napellus: A plethoric individual; with anxiety and dyspnea after exposure to wind, cold or chill.

Antimonium tartaricum: Presence of fine, sibilant, mucous races throughout the chest. Full of phlegm, with inability to expectorate. Severe dyspnea. The patient must be seated up.

Arsenicum album: Short, anxious breaths, worse on lying down. Pale face, burning heat in the chest, cold sweats; prostration worse after midnight (or at noon). Patient prefers warm drinks and warm food.

Cuprum arsenicosum: Severe shortness of breath, a sense of constriction and weight in the chest, often with pain under the (left) shoulder blade. The patient is usually icy cold and covered with sweat.

Grindelia: Stops breathing when falling asleep, wakes up suffocating with a start, gasps for breath. Cannot breathe easily when lying down.

Ipecacuanha: Tightness in the chest and a loud rattling cough; sweating, anxious; cold, restlessness and nausea.

Kalium carbonicum: Severe wheezing and shortness of breath; worse at night in the early evening and in the morning. Usually a 3 a.m. aggravation. Worse with dust and central heating. Usually associated with anxiety and weakness.

Lachesis: Sleeps into an aggravation of the asthmatic attack.

Medorrhinum: A dry cough and shortness of breath; worse when lying down and better on kneeling with face down, or lying on the stomach. Useful in chronic, intractable, recurrent cases. Not to be repeated for a period of at least six months after the initial administration.
Natrium sulphuricum: For asthma during damp weather. Moist asthma with rattling in the chest. Looseness of bowels during and after each attack (sycotic taint).

Nux vomica: Spasms of the bronchi; irritability and a tongue with a yellow coating. Nausea, flatulence and constipation. Asthma is worse in the early mornings.
Phosphorus: One of the best and most reliable remedies, when there is noisy, wheezy breathing, oppression and cough in a tall, thin, narrow-chested person. The patient is nearly always anxious and needs much reassurance and attention.

Sulphur: For chronic cases, with a recurrent cough and the expectoration of foul, thick mucus. Failure to respond to earlier remedies.