Monday, July 27, 2020

Stinging Pain Tip

Stinging Pain Tip


Pain: burning, stinging, sore, 
Sudden move of pain from one part to another

Suggested Medicine:

Apis Mellifica 30.

Clinical Tip of the Day

Clinical Tip of the Day


Gastric complaints from over eating, 
Disturbed Digestive system,
a thick milky white coating on the tongue

Suggested Medicine

Antimonium Crudum 30.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Causes of Vertigo and Homoeopathic Treatment

Causes of Vertigo and Homoeopathic Treatment 

Vertigo on turning the head. — Calc., Con., Kali-c.
Vertigo on moving the head. — Bry., Calc., Con.
Vertigo on looking up. — Puls., Sil.
Vertigo on looking down. — Phos., Spig., Sulph.
Vertigo from odour of flowers. — Nux-v., Phos.
Vertigo on going down winding stairs. — Gins.
Vertigo on blwoing nose. — Culex., Codein.
Vertigo on watching or loss of sleep. — Cocc., Nux-v.
Vertigo on the least noise. — Ther.
Vertigo while walking. — Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., Puls.
Vertigo while studying or reading. — Am-c., Arn., Cupr., Cur., Graph.,Grat., Nat-m.
Vertigo while or after eating. — Grat., Nux-v., Puls.
Vertigo as if whirling. — Bry., Con., Cycl., Puls.
Vertigo as if the bed turned. — Con.
Vertigo with fainting. — Nux-v.
Vertigo with staggering. — Arg-n., Gels., Nux-v., Phos.
Vertigo with eyes closed. — Apis, Arg-n., Arn., Calad., Chel., Lach., Nat-m., Sil., Stram., Ther., Thuj.
Vertigo with dimness of sight. — Cycl., Gels., Nux-v.
Vertigo aggravated on lying on right side. — Mur-ac.
Vertigo when rising from seat. — Bry., Phos.
Vertigo when rising from stooping. — Bell.
Vertigo while eating. — Kissingen
Vertigo from lifting head. — Popul-c.
Vertigo when rising from bed. — Bry., Chel., Cocc.
Vertigo when stooping. — Bell., Nux-v., Puls., Sulph.
Vertigo when ascending. — Calc.
Vertigo when descending. — Bor., Con., Fer., Gels., Plat., Sanic., Vib.
Vertigo when lying. — Con.
Vertigo must lie down. — Bry., Cocc., Phos., Puls.
Vertigo with occipital pain. — Gels., Clon., Petr., Sil.
Vertigo after sleep. — Lach.
Vertigo after suppressed menses. — Cycl., Puls.
Vertigo of the aged. — Iod., Phos.
Vertigo from indigestion. — Bry., Nux-v., Puls.
Vertigo from congestion. — Bell., Gels., Glon.
Vertigo from brain-fag. — Chin., Ph-ac., Phos., Sulph., Zinc.
Vertigo from headache. — Apis, Bell., Calc., Con., Croc., Hydr-ac., Fer., Iod., Lac-c., Lil-t., Nux-v., Onos., Sil., Stro., Sulph.
Vertigo from heart disorders. — Cact., Kali-c., Lach., Phos., Ver.
Vertigo from feeble heart’s action. — Dig.
Vertigo from ear diseases. — Caust., Gels., Stram.
Vertigo after coition. — Bov., Ph-ac., Sep.
Vertigo while crossing bridge. — Bar-c., Bro., Lyss.
Vertigo while crossing running water. — Arg-m., Bell, Bro., Fer., Hyos., Lyss., Sulph.
Vertigo in dark. — Alum., Arg-n., Kali-i., Pic-ac., Stram.
Vertigo with deafness. — Merc-c.
Vertigo after emissions. — Bov., Caust., Nat-s., Sars.
Vertigo, falls backward. — Chin., Spig., Rhus-t.
Vertigo, falls forward. — Nat-m., Rhus-t.
Vertigo, falls to left. — Nat-m., Sil.
Vertigo, falls to right. — Calc., Caust., Sil., Zinc.
Vertigo, falls sideways. — Benz-ac., Calc., Cocc., Nux-v.
Vertigo with female symptoms. — Cycl.
Vertigo with fevers. — Carb-v., Cocc., Kali-c., Puls.
Vertigo after fright. — Op.
Vertigo from gas light. — Caust.
Vertigo from hair binding. — Sulph-I
Vertigo, as if intoxicated. — Gels., Nux-v.
Vertigo with nausea and vomiting. — Chin-s., Cocc., Fer., Lapp., Lob., Petr.,Sel., Ther.
Vertigo at night. — Tarn.
Vertigo felt in occiput. — Bry., Carb-v., Con., Gels., Petr., Sil.,Ver., Zinc.
Vertigo, periodical. — Cocc., Nat-m., Phos.
Vertigo during pregnancy. — Alet., Gels., Nat-m.
Vertigo with ringing in ears. — Lith., Ph-ac.
Vertigo while sewing. — Graph.
Vertigo while shaving. — Carb-an.
Vertigo while sitting. — Apis, Meph., Phos., Puls, Sulph.
Vertigo with sleepiness. — Aeth., Gels., Laur., Nit-ac., Nux-m., Sil.
Vertigo while smoking. — Gels., Nat-m., Nux-v., Tab.
Vertigo while sneezing. — Apis, Nux-v., Seneg.
Vertigo with sparks before eyes. — Ign.
Vertigo with stomach pain. — Cic.
Vertigo in Summer. — Psor.
Vertigo while facing Sun. — Agar., Glon., Kali-p., Nat-c.
Vertigo followed by unconsciousness. — Sil.
Vertigo while walking. — Anac.
Vertigo with weakness. — Aeth., Colch., Crot-h., Echi., Sel.
Vertigo while looking out of window. — Ox-ac.
Vertigo while standing near window. — Nat-m.
Vertigo while writing. — Graph., Kali-bi., Sep.
Vertigo aggravated by Tea. — Nat-m., Sep.
Vertigo with chocking of throat. — Iber.
Vertigo with trembling. — Crot-h., Gels., Zinc.
Vertigo as if falling of wall on her. — Arg-n., Saba.