Sunday, July 12, 2020

Causes of Vertigo and Homoeopathic Treatment

Causes of Vertigo and Homoeopathic Treatment 

Vertigo on turning the head. — Calc., Con., Kali-c.
Vertigo on moving the head. — Bry., Calc., Con.
Vertigo on looking up. — Puls., Sil.
Vertigo on looking down. — Phos., Spig., Sulph.
Vertigo from odour of flowers. — Nux-v., Phos.
Vertigo on going down winding stairs. — Gins.
Vertigo on blwoing nose. — Culex., Codein.
Vertigo on watching or loss of sleep. — Cocc., Nux-v.
Vertigo on the least noise. — Ther.
Vertigo while walking. — Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., Puls.
Vertigo while studying or reading. — Am-c., Arn., Cupr., Cur., Graph.,Grat., Nat-m.
Vertigo while or after eating. — Grat., Nux-v., Puls.
Vertigo as if whirling. — Bry., Con., Cycl., Puls.
Vertigo as if the bed turned. — Con.
Vertigo with fainting. — Nux-v.
Vertigo with staggering. — Arg-n., Gels., Nux-v., Phos.
Vertigo with eyes closed. — Apis, Arg-n., Arn., Calad., Chel., Lach., Nat-m., Sil., Stram., Ther., Thuj.
Vertigo with dimness of sight. — Cycl., Gels., Nux-v.
Vertigo aggravated on lying on right side. — Mur-ac.
Vertigo when rising from seat. — Bry., Phos.
Vertigo when rising from stooping. — Bell.
Vertigo while eating. — Kissingen
Vertigo from lifting head. — Popul-c.
Vertigo when rising from bed. — Bry., Chel., Cocc.
Vertigo when stooping. — Bell., Nux-v., Puls., Sulph.
Vertigo when ascending. — Calc.
Vertigo when descending. — Bor., Con., Fer., Gels., Plat., Sanic., Vib.
Vertigo when lying. — Con.
Vertigo must lie down. — Bry., Cocc., Phos., Puls.
Vertigo with occipital pain. — Gels., Clon., Petr., Sil.
Vertigo after sleep. — Lach.
Vertigo after suppressed menses. — Cycl., Puls.
Vertigo of the aged. — Iod., Phos.
Vertigo from indigestion. — Bry., Nux-v., Puls.
Vertigo from congestion. — Bell., Gels., Glon.
Vertigo from brain-fag. — Chin., Ph-ac., Phos., Sulph., Zinc.
Vertigo from headache. — Apis, Bell., Calc., Con., Croc., Hydr-ac., Fer., Iod., Lac-c., Lil-t., Nux-v., Onos., Sil., Stro., Sulph.
Vertigo from heart disorders. — Cact., Kali-c., Lach., Phos., Ver.
Vertigo from feeble heart’s action. — Dig.
Vertigo from ear diseases. — Caust., Gels., Stram.
Vertigo after coition. — Bov., Ph-ac., Sep.
Vertigo while crossing bridge. — Bar-c., Bro., Lyss.
Vertigo while crossing running water. — Arg-m., Bell, Bro., Fer., Hyos., Lyss., Sulph.
Vertigo in dark. — Alum., Arg-n., Kali-i., Pic-ac., Stram.
Vertigo with deafness. — Merc-c.
Vertigo after emissions. — Bov., Caust., Nat-s., Sars.
Vertigo, falls backward. — Chin., Spig., Rhus-t.
Vertigo, falls forward. — Nat-m., Rhus-t.
Vertigo, falls to left. — Nat-m., Sil.
Vertigo, falls to right. — Calc., Caust., Sil., Zinc.
Vertigo, falls sideways. — Benz-ac., Calc., Cocc., Nux-v.
Vertigo with female symptoms. — Cycl.
Vertigo with fevers. — Carb-v., Cocc., Kali-c., Puls.
Vertigo after fright. — Op.
Vertigo from gas light. — Caust.
Vertigo from hair binding. — Sulph-I
Vertigo, as if intoxicated. — Gels., Nux-v.
Vertigo with nausea and vomiting. — Chin-s., Cocc., Fer., Lapp., Lob., Petr.,Sel., Ther.
Vertigo at night. — Tarn.
Vertigo felt in occiput. — Bry., Carb-v., Con., Gels., Petr., Sil.,Ver., Zinc.
Vertigo, periodical. — Cocc., Nat-m., Phos.
Vertigo during pregnancy. — Alet., Gels., Nat-m.
Vertigo with ringing in ears. — Lith., Ph-ac.
Vertigo while sewing. — Graph.
Vertigo while shaving. — Carb-an.
Vertigo while sitting. — Apis, Meph., Phos., Puls, Sulph.
Vertigo with sleepiness. — Aeth., Gels., Laur., Nit-ac., Nux-m., Sil.
Vertigo while smoking. — Gels., Nat-m., Nux-v., Tab.
Vertigo while sneezing. — Apis, Nux-v., Seneg.
Vertigo with sparks before eyes. — Ign.
Vertigo with stomach pain. — Cic.
Vertigo in Summer. — Psor.
Vertigo while facing Sun. — Agar., Glon., Kali-p., Nat-c.
Vertigo followed by unconsciousness. — Sil.
Vertigo while walking. — Anac.
Vertigo with weakness. — Aeth., Colch., Crot-h., Echi., Sel.
Vertigo while looking out of window. — Ox-ac.
Vertigo while standing near window. — Nat-m.
Vertigo while writing. — Graph., Kali-bi., Sep.
Vertigo aggravated by Tea. — Nat-m., Sep.
Vertigo with chocking of throat. — Iber.
Vertigo with trembling. — Crot-h., Gels., Zinc.
Vertigo as if falling of wall on her. — Arg-n., Saba.

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