Friday, December 2, 2011

Ring Worm in Children and Homeopathy

Ring Worm in Children and Homeopathy

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin.
Red scaly patches, often in rings.
Can affect scalp - hair may fall out leaving circular bald patch.
Can affect trunk, face, armpits, groin. Contagious; the fungus can be found in damp places, e.g. pools, children's sweaty heads.
Homeopathic treatment for acute Ringworm is:
  • Baccilinum 200c - two doses during first 24 hours;
  • Dulcamara 30c - twice daily for one week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Re: ringworm

I didn't have Bacc 200 so I went with the 30c I had for Ringworm in teenager. I am not seeing much change except it is getting larger.
We have given one dose, waited, then another 3 days later.
I also gave a 200c Tellurium prior to with no change. How long should I wait before redosing or can you please help me manage the case? She also has warts on heels of feet, so I was wondering if I should more strongly consider Thuja? Thank you much for any help.