Monday, October 31, 2011

Winter season and homeopathy coughs


Aconite 30c- Sudden onset often after exposure to cold air. Dry croupy cough with runny nose and sneezing. Irritation of respiratory tract, hoarseness/dryness of throat. Worse: cold dry winds, talking and deep breathing. Better: lying on back. 

Ant Tart 30c - Noisy, rattling, loose cough as if chest full of mucus. Young children or elderly with cough too weak to expel the mucus. Worse: night, especially from 10 pm until after midnight, lying flat, eating. Better sitting up and after expectoration 

Bryonia 30c - Dry hacking cough in the evening and night without sputum. Spasmodic cough shaking the whole body, pain in the head an abdomen from coughing, better for holding the painful part. Dryness of all air passages with thirst. Worse: movement, deep breathing, lying in bed. Better: fresh air and for pressure of painful part. 

Causticum 30c - Cough with raw, sore feeling in chest. Hollow, hard, dry cough from tickling in throat pit. Expectoration not easy to cough up and slips back down the throat. Worse: lying down, talking and bending head forward. Better: cold drinks 

THROAT SORE, Winter Season ailments

 THROAT SORE, Winter Season ailments

Aconite 30c - Sudden onset of sore throat after exposure to cold or cold dry winds. High fever, flushed face with restlessness or anxiety. Pharynx and tonsils bright red without pus, burning and mildly swollen. Painful swallowing though intensely thirsty for cold drinks. 

Apis 30c - Redness and swelling of mucous membranes. Dirty grey covering of throat with or without ulcers on tonsils. Swelling of uvula. Stinging or stitching pains. Worse: warmth and warm drinks. Better: cold applications
Belladonna 30c - No 1 remedy for sore throats with sudden onset. Bright red, inflamed angry looking throat. Swollen glands. Dry burning heat, flushed face with fever. Burning with pain extending to right ear when swallowing. Neck tender to touch. Worse: swallowing, talking, cold air, touch. Better: sitting up in bed.

Winter Season and Homeopathy - Cold and Flu

Winter Season and Homeopathy - Cold and Flu

Aconite 30c - No. 1 Remedy for nipping colds in the bud. Useful in the early stages of colds, fevers, sore throats and the inflammatory stage of other illnesses. Sudden onset often after exposure to cold. Much sneezing with pain at root of nose. Dry mucous membranes. Worse: evening or night and for touch. Better: fresh air and rest. 

Allium Cepa 30c - Common feverish cold with streaming eyes and nose. Profuse watery nasal discharge which burns upper lip. Red, running eyes with bland discharge. Headache worse in warm room. Worse: evening and stuffy rooms. Better: open air and cold room. 

Arsenicum Alb 30c. - Catches cold easily, burning, watery nasal discharge alternating with dryness. Frequent sneezing without relief. Very chilly and shivery. Nostrils become sore and red and nose feels blocked alternating with watery discharge. Worse: change of temperature, cold, damp and after midnight. Better: heat and warm applications, hot drinks. 

AGE 30c Arsenicum-iod/Gelsemium/Eupatorium in combination which is very useful for covering typical flu symptoms. 

Euphrasia 30c Profuse bland nasal discharge, running red eyes with burning tears and frequent sneezing. Burning sore throat and eyes sensitive to light. Worse: light, in the evening. Better: during the day when up and about. 

Eupatorium perf.30c - Chill followed by heat and sweating. Intense aching of bones as if broken or bruised. Great thirst for cold drinks. Worse: movement, cold, open air. Better; Resting, warmth, sweating. 

Ferrum Phos 30c - Tired and weary not feeling quite right. First signs of a cold or flu. Red inflamed eyes. Chill with shivering and fever with flushed face.