Homeopathy and Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is an inflammation of the liver caused by infection with the Hepatitis C virus (HCV). Although the virus is a relatively new discovery (first isolated in 1989), it has already left an indelible mark on humanity. It is estimated that there are more than 170 million people around the world who are infected with the virus, and the World Health Organization expects that number to balloon over the coming decade, due primarily to the lack of education and resources in the third world. Another factor contributing to the spread of the disease is that often the carriers of the virus show no symptoms during the disease's acute period and even many years into a chronic infection. This has led experts to conclude that there may be up to 3 million Americans who are carriers of the virus without even knowing that they are infected. The virus is transmitted by blood-to blood contact. In the United States, most new Hepatitis C transmission occurs through intravenous drug usage where needles or other drug paraphernalia is shared between users. Sexual contact can lead to the transmission of the virus as well, but only where there is blood-to-blood contact, not through the presence of the virus in vaginal fluid or semen. Additionally, there has been an increase in transmission from improperly sterilized dental equipment as well as from unorthodox tattooing methods. The disease is classified as acute when the person is infected with the virus for a time period not exceeding six months, and classified as chronic for any infection for over six months. Most people with chronic Hepatitis C develop long-term liver disease, which interferes with the liver's ability to function properly. Generalized signs and symptoms associated with chronic hepatitis C include: fatigue, flu-like symptoms, muscle pain, joint pain, intermittent low-grade fevers, itching, sleep disturbances, abdominal pain (especially in the right upper quadrant), appetite changes, nausea, dyspepsia, cognitive changes, depression, headaches, and mood swings. Up to one-third of persons diagnosed with chronic Hepatitis C will develop cirrhosis of the liver. Once chronic hepatitis C has progressed to cirrhosis, signs and symptoms may appear that are generally caused by either decreased liver function or increased pressure in the liver circulation, a condition known as portal hypertension. Possible signs and symptoms of liver cirrhosis include ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen), bruising and bleeding tendency, bone pain, varices (enlarged veins, especially in the stomach and esophagus), fatty stools (steatorrhea), jaundice, and a syndrome of cognitive impairment known as hepatic encephalopathy. The orthodox medical community has prescribed numerous antiviral medications ( Pegylated Interferon, Ribavirin, Amantadine, etc), to suppress the virus back into the body, with mixed results. According to some reports, these treatments have been effective in “curing” 50% of some genotypes of Hepatitis C. However, this antiviral “cure” has been accomplished only by putting its patients through a horrific combination of side effects, which last throughout the 6-month to one-year period of the therapy. Patients can expect crippling fatigue, nausea, nuetropenia, muscle pain and weakness, severe depression, anxiety, anemia, headaches, and insomnia. Some patients have endured even more serious side effects, including: psychosis, suicide, diabetes mellitus, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, acute pancreatitis, and pulmonary disorders. The treatment is so debilitating that a patient undergoing it can file for temporary disability in some cases. Additionally, because these treatments are so new (less than 15 years), there are likely other long-term complications that have not yet been fully exposed. I wouldn't consider a person “cured” if they are weaker or sicker in other areas or if their overall health becomes worse after the treatment.
Homeopathic Treatments for Symptoms of Liver Disease
Some homeopathic medicines require a prescription while others can be purchased over-the-counter. While homeopathy is ideal for self treatment of conditions that are generally self-limited such as colds, influenza, and headaches, the treatment of chronic hepatitis C is best accomplished by a trained professional. Aconite is sometimes used to treat the high fever, restlessness, and fearful anguish that can occur in the earliest stage of acute liver disease. Belladonna, chelidonium, lycopodium, mercurius, nux vomica, and the herb china may be used to treat shooting pain in the region of the liver. The herb china is also useful for treating symptoms such as sensitivity to pressure in the liver, the tendency to become chilled, and sensitivity to open air. It is also used to treat feelings of heaviness or fullness in the stomach and abdomen, especially after eating. I use an immune stimulator in my practice to help patients handle viral infections such as hepatitis C more effectively. The stimulator is a combination remedy that includes Triffolium pratense, Echinacea purpurea, Asclepias tuberosa, Ferrum lodatum, Vaccinum, Euphrasia off., Thuja occidentalis, Camphora, Calcarea arsenica, Ichthyolum, Vaccinotoxinum, Morbillinum, Variolinum, Influenzinum, Vincetoxicum, Coxsackievirus, Encephalitis, Calmette-Guerin, Cytomegalovirus, and isotonic plasma.
Insuring the Safety of Homeopathic Remedies
According to federal law, homeopathic remedies are considered drugs. To be considered an official homeopathic medicine, a product must meet the guidelines described in the Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) developed by the American Homeopathic Pharmacists Association and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A remedy must have known homeopathic proving and/or known effects that mimic the symptoms, syndromes, or conditions for which it is given. It must also meet the manufacturing specifications established by the Homœopathic Pharmacopœia of the United States (HPUS). HPUS is the official compendium of homeopathic medicines recognized by the FDA. The HPUS contains all of the official manufacturing procedures for homeopathic medicines. This includes procedures for dosing, labeling, and administration information for users. Currently, there are over 1,300 official HPUS substances. The HPUS initials on a product label identifies it as a homeopathic medicine, and insures that the legal standards for strength, quality, purity, and packaging have been met for that product.
The standards applied to products seeking HPUS approval are established by the Homœopathic Pharmacœpœia Convention of the United States (HPCUS). HPCUS is a nongovernmental, nonprofit, scientific organization. HPCUS members are experts in the fields of medicine, art, biology, chemistry, and pharmacology who have appropriate training and demonstrated knowledge, and an interest in homeopathy.
The Role of Diet in Homeopathic Medicine
A good diet that stimulates your immune system is an important companion to homeopathic remedies. Good nutrition can help you obtain and maintain good health. It can also help improve the health of your liver. The following yeast-free diet was designed to help clean your system, reduce stress on your liver, and maintain good health.
Recommended Foods and Liquids
Fish, Lamb, Wild Game
preferably organic, not smoked, and without the skin
chicken and turkey - preferably organic, not smoked, and without the skin
Dairy Products
butter - preferably brands that are pesticide and hormone free such as eggs, sheep and goat milk yogurts and cheeses.
Fresh Vegetables
preferably organic wash thoroughly
Starchy Vegetables
potatoes sweet potatoes yams pumpkin acorn and butternut squash sheep and goat milk yogurts and cheeses
Fresh Fruits (in moderation)
citrus fruits kiwi melons apples pears peaches
unsweetened juices filtered water (not distilled water)soy drinks herbal teas such as Take-a-Break is a good, caffeine-free substitute for coffee. It is very important to drink at least eight glasses of water each day
Foods To Be Eaten in Moderation
pumpkin seeds
Grains (limit white flour and wheat products)
air-popped popcorn muffins biscuits cornbread pancakes (made with soymilk or water and honey)pastas potatoes rice and rice cakes grains (such as couscous, quinoa, millet)grits yeast-free breads made with baking powder and limited white flour tortillas and tortilla chips (not fried)
lentil beans pinto beans split peas black eyed peas
Rice and grains(limit white flour and wheat products)
sourdough bread
Foods and Liquids To Avoid on This Diet
Red Meats
beef veal pork
grapes raisins bananas plums all dried fruits glazed with sugar
Cow Dairy Products
milk milk products: cheese, margarine, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream, etc. Butter is acceptable if it is pesticide and hormone free.
breads made with yeast
Specific Condiments
ketchup mustard mayonnaise (unless homemade)vinegar (except apple cider vinegar)yeast pickles olives soy, teriyaki, barbecue sauce and hot sauces such as picante Sweeteners
sugar artificial sweeteners
alcohol - including all beer, wine, hard liquor, or anything fermented caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee tea soft drinks
alcohol - including all beer, wine, hard liquor, or anything fermented caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee tea soft drinks