In the last post, we looked at some causes of hair thinning and hair loss. In this post, we look at how homeopathy can help with these problems. Through today’s post, I hope to inspire you to try homeopathic remedies for hair loss or hair thinning, and enjoy a full head of hair again.
Homeopathic treatment is aimed at not just medicating you for your ailment, but to treat you from within to remedy the root cause of the problem. Depending on your age, lifestyle, diet, cause of hair loss, nature and pattern of hair fall, Homeopathy can provide great solutions for hair thinning and hair loss.
If a clear external cause is found, such as excessive hair dyeing, excessive shampooing and blow drying, unhealthy eating, wearing the hair too tight, recent childbirth, use of contraceptive pills, etc, removing/managing the cause itself will resolve the hair loss problem in most cases.
If the underlying cause is hormone-related such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, or a serious illness, Homeopathy can be used to treat the underlying condition and arrest further hair loss or even renew hair growth.
If the underlying cause of hair loss is emotional stress, Homeopathy can help balance your emotions, and arrest hair loss at the same time. Flower Remedies are also excellent for managing stress. [Get a copy of my free ebook on “Stress Relief for Women, using Flower Remedies” by signing up on the right hand side bar].
Homeopathic solutions for chronic hair loss will require consultation with a qualified practitioner. For short-term issues, you may be able to self-treat. Some Homeopathic remedies that can help treat hair loss are:
Fluoric acid - For brittle hair that falls out in small tufts.
Lycopodium - For premature balding and graying, or hair loss after childbirth. Eczema is often behind the ears.
Kali carbonicum - For dry, thinning hair. Scalp is very dry. Dandruff is also present.
Kali Sulphuricum - For yellow, flaking dandruff, which may be moist or sticky. Hair falls out, leaving bald spots.
Natrum Mur - When hair loss is accompanied by dandruff and white crusts on the scalp. Greasy around the hairline. Hair fall after childbirth.
Sepia - hair fall during pregnancy, after childbirth or during nursing.
Phosphorus - Hair falls out in handfuls. Bald spots on the head that are dry and scaly.
Phosphorum acidum - Hair fall stemming from depression or after a severe illness. Hair thins out, turns gray early and falls out.
Selenium - For hair loss on the body and scalp. The scalp feels painful when touched.
Calcarea Phos - hair falls in bunches upon combing
Vinca Minor - falling of hair with great itching of scalp.
Weisbaden - useful for most types of hair loss.
The chosen remedy can be taken in 30c potency, thrice daily for 2 weeks. For dosage, please see manufacturer’s instructions.
If there is good improvement, continue with the same remedy for another 2 weeks, but reduce to twice daily. You can stop treatment after 1 month when good results have been achieved.
If there is no improvement or if you have any long-term conditions, it is best to consult with a qualified practitioner.
If you want to consult with me, please contact through this blog or at my clinic address.