Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Advantages of Homeopathy

Advantages of Homeopathy

Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)

* Homœopathy is gentle and effective system of medicine.
* Homœopathy gives long lasting to permanent cure.
* Homœopathy treats the patient as a whole and not just the disease.
* Homœopathic remedies are gentle, non-toxic, harmless, safe and without any side-effects.
* Unlike Antibiotics, homœopathic remedies do not disturb digestive system nor do they lower the immune system (Body’s resistance).
* Homœopathy is friendly to children, young and old.
* In most of the cases homœopathy can avoid surgery.
* Homœopathy is very effective in various allergic disorders in addition to other diseases of all kinds.
* Homœopathy is a gift of God as well as blessings to the ailing human beings.
* Homœopathy is a boon in the hands of qualified doctors (Classical Homœopaths) who strictly follow the rules and instructions laid down by Dr. S. Hahnemann in his book "Organon of Medicine". Mixopathy has no place in homœopathy.
* Homœopathy is equally effective and safe to human beings, animals and birds.
* Homœopathic remedies do not have expiry dates, provided they are kept properly.
* Homœopathy is founded upon the steadfast pillars of truth and will ever more be so.
* Homœopathic treatment is given to correct the root cause of the illness.
* Homœopathic medicines are administered in minute doses that act gently and stimulate the body’s self-healing response.
* Homœopathic remedies are all natural medicines. Some are herbs, some minerals or other natural substances. They are prepared by a special process of step by step dilution and succusion (shaking) which makes them capable of effecting in a much deeper way than the remedy could without this process.
* Homœopathic treatment is ideal to optimize the body’s natural defenses against microbes. With the appropriate homœopathic treatment, people recover from infectious diseases, even the most serious ones, gently and rapidly.
* Homœopathy works in harmony with the immune system, unlike Allopathic Drugs which suppress and destroy the immune system.
* Homœopathic remedies are not addictive – once relief is felt, patient should stop taking them.

Mahatma Gandhi said – "Homœopathy is the latest and refined method of treating patients economically and non-violently."

Copyright © Dr. Sayeed Ahmad 2004

Lemon Tips as seen and experienced

Lemon Tips as seen and experienced
Dr. Stacy Jones

To check diarrhea.
Drink hot lemonade.

To arrest immoderate flow of menses.
Suck the juice of lemon.

To harden the nipples before confinement.
Begin two weeks in advance, and lave them with lemon juice.

•To arrest flooding.
Inject the juice of half dozen lemons into the womb.

•Sweating Rheumatism. Scurvy.
Partake of lemon juice, or lemonade freely.

Lemon juice and sugar.

Dilute citric acid and peppermint water in equal parts, mix, and apply twice a day.

Instead of calomel, take the juice of one two, or three lemons, according as the appetite craves, in as much water as will render it pleasant to drink, without sugar, before going to bed: and in the morning half hour before breakfast, take the juice of one in a goblet of water.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,
E-Mail:- hdrsmahmood@hotmail.com

Healing Power of Vinegar

 Healing Power of Vinegar

Picked up from Bee Line Therapia and Repertory by Dr. Stacy Jones

• Bleeding wound, Bleeding lung, or nose.
Inhale the fumes of boiling vinegar – nothing better.
• Black specks in the skin of the face, Ring-worm and Warts,
Wash the face with vinegar, full strength on going to bed,
• Diseased gums, foul, spongy.
Use dilute vinegar as a mouth wash.
• Birth mark.
Soak cotton in strong vinegar, and apply under compress – It peels off.
• Ulcer.
Vinegar, 10 per cent solution in water, use as a lavement, three times a day.
• Burn or scald.
Apply vinegar, full strength, until pain abates.
• Corns,
Bind on bread crumbs or cotton, soaked in vinegar, nightly.
• Hemorrhage from the womb.
A sponge or cloth saturated with vinegar dilute, convey into the womb, and retain it there a few seconds, Give also gill doses of vinegar – Nothing better.
• Mad dog bite.
Lave wound with hot vinegar, and wipe dry; then pour into it several drops of Nitric acid – This will prevent rabies.
• Nose bleed.
Plug nostrils with cotton saturated with dilute vinegar.
• Nasal polypus.
Inject 5 drops of Acetic acid into it.
• Milk Crust.
Cut off the hair closely, wash the scalp thoroughly with Castile soap, and apply twice a day pure cider vinegar diluted with water, one part to three. Use Ichthyol soap.
• Paralysis, Spinal weakness, Involuntary passage of urine or stool, Asthma, Pains of various kinds in the body.
Rub the spine thoroughly three times a day with hot vinegar; especially that point nearest the seat of ailment.
• Influenza, Coryza.
Saturate a small pledget of cotton with vinegar and insert it into one nostril loosely, and after an hour remove it; and put one in the other nostril; thus alternate and cure.
• Gonorrhoea.
Acetic acid inject: first a 1 per cent solution in lukewarm water, six or eight times a day; after a day or two increase the strength to 4 per cent. In desperate cases, shockingly neglected, or mistreated, apply hot poultices for a day or two, before beginning the Acetic acid treatment – No treatment more satisfactory.
• Chronic Gout. Enlarged joints.
Into a given quantity of hot vinegar put as much salt as it will dissolve; with this bathe the part, and dry it in by the fire, several times a day.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue , Adyala Road ,
E-Mail:- hdrsmahmood@hotmail.com