Monday, June 3, 2024

Awakens at 3 or 4 am

Awakens at 3 or 4 a. m

Sleep and Homeopathy Part 4

Sleepless from nervous excitement; picking at bedclothes; reaching out for things.
Suggested Medicine
Hyoscyms Niger

Awakens at 3 or 4 a. m.
Suggested Medicine
Kali. carb

Aggravation of all symptoms after sleep.
Suggested Medicine

Hunger awakens him at night

Hunger awakens him at night

Sleep and Homeopathy Part 5

Hunger awakens him at night.
Suggested Medicine

Sleepy in early evening; awakens at 3 a. m., goes to sleep again, gets up in the morning feeling wretched.
Suggested Medicine
Nux. Vom

Drowsy, but cannot sleep; kept awake by every noise; stupor; face livid, hot; lies snoring; like a log. Coma; face pale, eyes glassy, half closed. Picking of bedclothes during sleep.
Suggested Medicine

Restlessness at night, compelling frequent change of position.
Suggested Medicine

During sleep cries out; knows nothing of it.
Suggested Medicine
Zincum Met

Constipated Patients Need not Worry

Constipated Patients Need not Worry

Dr. N. M. Choudhuri Offers the Best Treatment in the following Remedies


Constipation due to intestinal atony; strains to even pass soft, clay like stools. This condition is often met with in women during pregnancy, in old people and bottle fed babies.


The stools are ash colored, whitish and lumpy and with constriction is associated intense itching.


As we all know, the constriction is mostly due to fissures in the anal cavity. Each stool means sharp, severe, cutting pain which is followed by constriction and aching for hours together.


It is a grand remedy. The constriction here is associated with extreme sensitiveness of the rectum due to innumerable hemorrhoidal knobs protruding therefrom.


It is second to none in constriction. It is almost impossible to evacuate stools due to spasmodic constriction of the anus. Even the desire to evacuate is followed by painful contraction.


It needs not to be confused with Syphilinum or any other remedy as the constriction causes tearing and drawing pain not only at the anus but in the perineum as well and through into the urethra.

Natrium Mur.

It is the king amongst remedies for contraction of the rectum and constriction of the anus. There is invariably a feeling of excoriation in the anus after evacuation. The stools are dry and hard and they crumble through the fissured anus which bleeds through the effort.

Nitric Acid

Spasmodic contraction which continues many hours after stools, we have intense proctalgia and a constant oozing of fetid moisture from the fissured anus. The pain in the rectum is as if it has been torn or cut with a knife.

Nux Vomica

The constriction is associated with inactivity of the bowels. We have ineffectual desire for stools and a sensation as if more remains and could not be evacuated.


Constipation due to dryness and paresis of the entire intestinal tract; stools are like sheep’s dung.


Constant, neuralgic and spasmodic lead colic, in and about the navel with obstinate constipation, retraction of abdominal parities, as if a string is pulling it towards the spine.


Constipation with hemorrhoids, fissures and cracks in anus; stools extremely hard and large, require mechanical removal.


The constipation of Syphilinum is chronic and is of many years standing. This constipation is due to a kind of stricture high up in the rectum. The rectum feels as if tied up with strictures.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,