Sunday, February 18, 2024

Benefits of indoor plants

Indoor Plant's Benefits

Plants make the environment pleasant as well as Plants make homes look beautiful, but there are also many plants that keep people healthy as well as protect homes from heat, cold and pollution. Trees and plants are one of the many blessings of Allah for life. Many people like to decorate their home with greenery. Before planting plants in your home, know that greenery is beneficial, but should be done with careful consideration and consultation. We tell you about special plants that will help make your home beautiful and healthy as well as improve the environment.

Aloe Vera
Among the plants, the most well-known and useful plant is Aloe Vera
In the local language it is called Ghekwar or Kawar Gandal. The aloe vera plant purifies the air by disinfecting it and also moderates the room temperature, releasing oxygen throughout the night. Creams, gels and ointments are also made from the aloe vera plant. If you take good care, this plant can grow for a hundred years.

Weeping Fig
Reduces the severity of the weather and makes the atmosphere pleasant. This plant tackles pollutants that are emitted from car paintwork and furniture.

Areca Palm
It purifies the environment and is extremely beneficial for respiratory patients due to its properties. Also, for those people who suffer from chronic colds, this plant plays the role of a friend.

Spider Plant
A plant similar to this property is the spider plant, which is said to purify the air by eliminating up to 90% of toxins within two to three days. It is especially useful for dust allergy patients. Also, it is a friendly plant for people who suffer from chronic colds.

Dwarf Date Palm
The Dwarf Date Palm makes the home pleasant by eliminating pollution. It specifically eliminates the chemical compound xylene, which is a type of hydrocarbon. The specialty of this plant that it has a long lifespan.

Baby Rubber Plant
Baby rubber plant to reduce the weather intensity of the house and rooms
Helps to keep cool. Also, this plant purifies the air and this is the reason why it is considered as one of the popular houseplants.
Bring these plants home in the spring as you overwinter and ensure they thrive to make life healthy and happy for you and your loved ones.

Choosing a place for indoor plants.
Pay special attention to the placement of plants in the house and choose it wisely. Most indoor plants thrive in semi-humid or humid environments and need a slightly ventilated environment to stay fresh.
It is beneficial to choose a large size window in the east or west direction to provide them such an atmosphere in the houses
It is good. Plants that grow in sunlight
It is best to place it in front of a north or northeast facing window.
Avoid keeping plants in cramped or air-conditioned rooms.
Just as humans feel weak and sick due to lack of food, and diseases such as indigestion arise due to overeating, in the same way, special care should be taken in the ratio of food in plants. Excess moisture causes the plants to rot. Water only when the surface of the soil looks dry, but in summer water more than usual.

Protection of indoor plants.

Protecting plants is very important. Water them as per time and need. If the plants in the pots have leaves
Remove them immediately or they will develop fungus
Because they don't get sunlight indoors.
If any leaf is damaged in the plant, cut it immediately
Otherwise it will also damage the rest of the plant, as well as the yellow leaves
Remove it quickly.
If blackness in the leaves and cuts etc. are coming in more leaves of the plant
If so, add some good anti-fungal powder or cinnamon while doing spray.
It is good to change the water of plants planted in water every three to five days, otherwise the risk of fungus increases.
Make sure to water the pots every 15 to 20 days because water does not cause allergy bacteria to form in the soil.
Use insecticidal sprays (Anti-Lice or Morten or Tiger Mosquito Spray etc.) in plants. Keep plants outdoors while spraying. Do not spray indoors.
If the plants are infested with ants, sprinkle turmeric powder, the ants will disappear.
Therefore we should plant plants in the houses because plants not only add to the beauty of the houses but also make the environment fresh and keep the air pleasant. At home, children should be encouraged to plant and protect them. Plants can be planted by themselves and children.
Women grow and protect their own vegetables and plants.
This not only adds to the beauty of the home but also to the health.

Behavior to Diseases

Behavior to Diseases

Today, obesity, weight gain, diabetes), blood pressure, depression, anxiety, heart and kidney and eye diseases, cancer and other diseases are increasing. have habits. Along with the development, the food industry has also developed a lot, but we hardly use its positive aspects and the negative aspects have become a part of our life. In short, the amount of food we eat requires so much physical effort/exercise to make it a part of the body. are If we examine this situation, the following important points emerge;

1. Nowadays, due to the abundance of facilities due to which physical labor is becoming less and less, diseases are also increasing.

2. Instead of simple natural foods, we consume a wide variety of processed foods.

3. Processed food and cane food inevitably use chemical preservatives which ultimately leave harmful effects on the human body.

4. We eat unhealthy food just for the sake of taste but also overeating.

5. Pizza, burgers, shawarma, cold drinks, boxed food and juices and all bakery items contain excess starch carbohydrates which go into the body and produce sugar and fat and due to lack of physical exercise/exercise, this directly Causes direct diseases.

6. We are unaware of the rich amount of starch carbohydrates present in daily food such as wheat bread, rice, double bread, band, juice, naan,  and consume them more than our body needs, which leads to sugar, obesity and weight gain. And finally it causes heart, kidney, liver, eye diseases.

7. The most important point is that we only consume food according to the needs of our body and use balanced portions of different parts of food such as protein, fat, fibrous foods, starch, vitamins etc. That our diet should lead to health and not disease.

8. Make simple food and healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, olives, ghee, mustard oil, honey, dry fruits a part of your diet. And eat food only when you feel very hungry and stop eating when you are still hungry.

8. Walk as much as possible. Be sure to keep a bicycle at home and go to the market on a bicycle for various household chores and shopping. Or cycle on a day off. Go swimming if possible. Make exercise your routine

In short, just as diet is better than cure, balanced diet is better than medicines.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Desi Ghee - Benefits

Desi Ghee - Benefits

By the way, Desi Ghee or oil  obtained through animal milk ...has countless benefits. But briefly there are few benefits offered

Excellent for physical energy

Ghee is a good source of energy for the body – the fatty acids in it help maintain the body's energy.

Prevent constipation

Ghee can be helpful if you are suffering from constipation problem. Drink one or two teaspoons of ghee mixed with warm milk before going to bed, which helps in relieving constipation.

Relieve from snoring

Desi ghee is rich in essential amino acids that help in shrinking fat and fat cells. It also contains linolenic acid, a type of omega-6 fatty acid, which helps in weight loss. Omega-6 fatty acids also help in reducing fat mass, which helps in getting rid of obesity. Desi ghee also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for reducing the bulging waistline and burning fat.

Rich in vitamins

If you are used to using ghee or say desi ghee, then you don't need to take vitamin supplements because one tablespoon of ghee contains vitamin A (essential for improving bones, skin and immune system), vitamin D ( Vitamin E (good for eyes and brain) and vitamin K (helps to thin the blood) are vitamins that the body needs.

Healthy fats

Ghee contains saturated fat, which should be consumed in moderation, especially if you have heart disease, but it also contains fatty acids that have positive effects on metabolism. It also has positive effects on the functions and nervous system.

Excellent for the stomach

Ghee contains fatty acids that reduce inflammation of the esophagus and improve digestion.

Remove harmful components of food

Foods cooked at high temperatures, if made with ghee, do not have to worry about harmful ingredients forming in them, while dishes cooked with oil do not.

Protection from cancer

A component called conjugated linoleic acid is associated with weight loss and resistance to various types of cancer, including blood pressure. However, scientists say that more research is needed in this regard, but it should be noted that desi ghee naturally contains enough of the component. It is in quantity.

Smooths the skin

Ghee can also be applied to the affected area as a natural remedy for burns or swelling, as it is likely to reduce swelling.

Keeps the stomach full

Fats in ghee maintain the feeling of fullness for a long time, according to experts, the healthy fats in ghee help to keep the stomach full longer, improve sleep, reduce body weight and sometimes even lower cholesterol levels. bring

Useful for joint pain

Long-term consumption of desi ghee not only reduces the fat in your body, but it also strengthens the muscles and is effective for people suffering from bone and joint pain.