Pustules , Boils and other conditions
Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-6
Itches and burns; small boils and pustules, worse from scratching.
Suggested Medicine
Berberis Vulg
Diseases & Homeopathy Therapeutics of Skin
Diseases & Homeopathy Therapeutics of Skin
Hair rough; splits; sticks together; can't be combed smooth.
Suggested Medicine
Homeopathy for Rosacea: What Homeopathic Remedies to Use
Homeopathy for Rosacea: What Homeopathic Remedies to Use
Large, jagged, easily bleeding warts; intertrigo.
Suggested Medicine
Diseases of the skin: Their symptomatology, etiology and diagnosis, with special reference to principles of treatment including full indications for drug remedies
Diseases of the skin: Their symptomatology, etiology and diagnosis, with special reference to principles of treatment including full indications for drug remedies
Indolent foul ulcers with ichorous discharge; carbuncles.
Suggested Medicine
Carbo. veg