Thursday, February 22, 2024

Miraculous Home Treatment for heart and blood pressure patients

Miraculous Home Treatment for heart and blood pressure patients

 Pomegranate is a seasonal fruit; therefore, we boiled a handful of dry pomegranate seeds in 3 glasses of water for 10 minutes and started using it warm orally for heart disease patients. Seeing the miraculous, surprising and rapid result in the painful condition of the heart, we further advised it on patients who were suffering from angina, narrowing of the arteries of the heart, and were experiencing pain and difficulty in even walking a few steps. The result was again surprising. Patients felt very relaxed. Another patient's experience was evaluated by his angiography report, the patient's plague causing narrowing and occlusion of the arteries was completely resolved by drinking a quarter glass of pomegranate juice daily for ten months and thus the heart was completely healthy. The arteries were completely opened and cleared.

 It should be noted that neither painkillers nor blood thinners were used in this simple treatment. Angina patients report that after using this recipe for a week, "we feel no pain anymore." Another way to use this recipe is to soak a handful of pomegranate seeds in one and a half glasses of water overnight and squeeze and drink it in the morning, or during the pomegranate season, use half a glass of fresh juice daily, or a full glass daily. Eat one pomegranate in the morning and avoid eating and drinking anything except water for an hour. This simple remedy of fresh pomegranate, pomegranate seeds or pomegranate juice has taken heart patients by surprise. After seeing numerous patients suffering from heart diseases, we decided to make this recipe public, so that people can take full advantage of it.

Although no additional painkillers or blood thinners are needed with this prescription, if blood thinners are needed, consuming a tablespoon or two of sesame oil daily with its many benefits will help you. It will also thin the blood and this oil helps to lower (bad) cholesterol LDL and increase (good) cholesterol HDL. It should be noted that it is a combination of cholesterol, calcium and other fatty substances that cause narrowing and clogging of the arteries of the heart. Yes, the consumption of pomegranate starts to dissolve. To speed up this healing process, you can take more walks, avoid oil and fat, supplement foods, Guava, Plum and lemon and honey mixture in the morning empty stomach. Any kind of pure vinegar and sesame oil can be used.

 Note: Seeds means, dried pomegranate (know as Anar dana in Ind o Pak)

According to the latest research, for heart patients and all people over forty years of age to keep blood thin, remove blood clots, normalize cholesterol, prevent heart attacks and pains, control sugar and high blood pressure, take 3 drops of homeopathic medicine Arnica Mont 30c mixed with half a cup of water to relieve insomnia. Using Arnica 30 daily at bedtime is an easy, effective, inexpensive, side-effect-free and beneficial treatment for most heart complications.

We advised new and old patients of high blood pressure to soak 5 dried Plum in a glass of water for a night. Use water mixed with plum (separating seed) in the morning daily for 6 months. (empty stomach is preferred not necessary). Patients started using this recipe after giving up all blood pressure medications and were very surprised to see their high blood pressure normalized on the first day. A patient whose upper blood pressure (190 to 210 and lower 100 to 110) used one cup of water boiled with, plum seeds daily only when her blood pressure was high. Surprisingly   within 5 to 10 minutes BP was normal. After checking daily for several months, her blood pressure was found to be normal, which was a very surprising result for the patient and her family. For some patients, normalization of blood pressure over a period of time, even for a few months, is definitely better than taking drugs for life, and this is a durable. It should be noted that the fresh Plum fruit as well as its dried seeds reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, excess fat and obesity, relieves physical pain, fever, physical weakness, constipation and jaundice, eases the digestive system, immediate relief from nausea and hiccups, normal appetite and refreshes health.

To be safe from any future complications of heart and blood circulation, to restore the natural flexibility of arteries, to dissolve plaques in the arteries, to keep blood thin, to be safe from heart pain and seizures, complications of diabetes and in diabetic patients, make it a habit to mix 3 drops of this side effect free and beneficial homeopathic medicine Arnica Mont 30c in half a cup of water daily at bedtime for quick healing of wounds.


With thanks to Dr. Syed Zair Hussain



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