Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Moist eruption behind ears and other tips

Moist eruption behind ears and other tips

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-3

Intense itching, with eruption like poison oak.     
Suggested Medicine
Moist eruption behind ears; horny growths over the body; pimples, 
vesicles; scabs thick, hard, bleed when touched.                                                                        
Suggested Medicine
Antim crud

Cold; covered with clammy, sticky sweat; slowly maturing pustules, 
leaving bluish red mark.      
Suggested Medicine
Antim tart

Monday, August 15, 2011

Scratching until it bleeds

Scratching until it bleeds

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-2

 Dry, with intolerable itching and scratching until it bleeds.
Suggested Medicine

 Thick, red rash all over.                                         
Suggested Medicine
Ammonium carb 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Body covered with brown spots and other Skin Problems

Body covered with brown spots and other Skin Problems

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-1

Body covered with brown spots; ulcerations and warts with splinter like pain; ulcers bleed from slight touch.
Suggested Medicine
Nit. acid

Papular, petechial eruptions, with much itching.
Suggested Medicine
Muratic acid

Livid, purplish eruption.
Suggested Medicine