Thursday, December 29, 2011

Explosive Cough and other tips

Explosive Cough and other tips

Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -5

Hard, explosive; seems head and chest would fly to pieces; pain in distant parts when coughing.           
Suggested Medicine
 With burning in chest.                                              
Suggested Medicine
Carbo. veg
 With soreness and rawness in chest; better from drinking cold water; with involuntary escape of urine.  
Suggested Medicine
 Dry, hacking, from tickling; one cheek red, the other pale; with stitching under false ribs.          
Suggested Medicine

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Spasmodic cough and other tips

 Spasmodic cough and other tips

Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -4

Spasmodic; from inhaling cold air; rattling in chest without choking.      
Suggested Medicine
 Dry, tickling in throat and epigastrium, with desire to expand chest; worse from going into warm room; with gagging and vomiting of food.                                                      
Suggested Medicine
 At midnight; with oppression; sub clavicular soreness. Tight at night, loose in the morning.         
Suggested Medicine
Calcaria Carb

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Convulsive cough and other tips

Convulsive cough and other tips

Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -3

Severe, concussive; jars the head badly.                  
Suggested Medicine
Apis Mel
 Excited by laughing.                                                
Suggested Medicine
Arg. met
 Dry, tickling, barking, convulsive; pain and soreness in larynx.  
Suggested Medicine

Rattling Cough and other Tips

Rattling Cough and other Tips

Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -2

 Dry, hacking, loose; in the p. m.; raises mucous freely.
Suggested Medicine
Amm. mur
 From tickling in chest; from going into a warm room.   
Suggested Medicine
Ant. crud
 Loose, rattling; excited by eating and fits of anger; vomiting of mucus, with relief.          
Suggested Medicine
Ant. tart

Monday, December 26, 2011

Tough on cough Remedies- Part -1

 Tough on cough Remedies- Part -1

With taste of blood; dry, croupy, from going into cold room.     
Suggested Medicine
Aconite Nap
 Violent, croupy, as if larynx would tear.                   
Suggested Medicine
Allium cepa
 Of elderly people; rattling, loose, but does not raise easily. Night cough; worse from 3 to 4 a. m.; as from dust in throat.                                                                                
Suggested Medicine
Amm. carb 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Clear beautiful Face- Acne Free, Blackheads Free, and Pimple Free

Clear beautiful Face- Acne Free, Blackheads Free, and Pimple Free

Here is a list of Homeopathic Remedies that can give you a new look. Read carefully the symptoms give under each remedy. Select the most appropriate remedy. For any detail, contact the nearby Homeopath. In my experience, these remedies provided miraculous results.

Antimonies Crud

Small red pimples about the face, and on the right shoulder, stinging when touched; acne in drunkards with gastric derangements, severe thirst and white coated tongue. 

Calcarea Carb

Acne on the face and neck; when due to sexual excesses; redness of the nose in consequence of difficult or scanty monthly flow; persons with scrofulous constitutions or who work much in water. 

Hepar Sulph

Painless pimples on the nape of the neck, forehead and chin; crusty pimples on the face in young people; swelling and suppuration of glands; skin yellow and unhealthy, every small injury suppurates. 

Nux Vom.

Indigestion with constipation; small fetid ulcers in the mouth and throat. Pimples on the face in persons using wine, liquors, tobacco, patent medicines, or coffee in excess; sedentary habits. 


Acne on the chin, worse during the monthly flow and pregnancy; pimples about the genitals, legs and in the creases of the joints; skin dirty yellow and scurfy; ailments following vaccination or masturbation. 


Obstinate cases in scrofulous persons; bad smelling foot sweat; constipation, symptoms worse from wine or getting wet or cold. 


Blackheads and little black pits in the face; red, itching pimples on the nose, lips, around the chin, and on the forearm; tendency to boils; chronic cases. 

Mercurius Sol.

Indolent, bluish red pimples, especially the lower, extremities, in syphilitic or scrofulous persons; suppurating pimples as above; glandular swellings. 

Arsenicum Alb

Chronic cases where the skin is dry, rough and dirty looking; the eruption mostly on the face and extremities; blackheads which itch and are painful. 
A dose of the indicated remedy may be taken three times a day. Do not eat highly seasoned food, pickles, cake, pastry, nuts, cheese, fried foods, hot bread, sweets, or drink beer, spirits, cocoa, chocolate, or much coffee. Drink water freely, especially hot water in the morning before breakfast. Iron and cod liver oil are indicated in debilitated or scrofulous persons; fresh fruits and vegetables if they agree. Outdoor life, and frequent thorough bathing with friction. Sulphur and iodide of sulphur soaps, and good tar soaps are the best. Shampoo the affected parts every night after a warm sponge bath of the entire body with a flannel cloth, warm water and soap. If the skin is sluggish and the acne chronic, use tincture of green soap. Dry, and apply sulphur ointment, or when there is suppuration, an ointment of sulphur, five per cent., ichthyol, five per cent., and vaseline, one ounce

Friday, December 2, 2011

Ring Worm in Children and Homeopathy

Ring Worm in Children and Homeopathy

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin.
Red scaly patches, often in rings.
Can affect scalp - hair may fall out leaving circular bald patch.
Can affect trunk, face, armpits, groin. Contagious; the fungus can be found in damp places, e.g. pools, children's sweaty heads.
Homeopathic treatment for acute Ringworm is:
  • Baccilinum 200c - two doses during first 24 hours;
  • Dulcamara 30c - twice daily for one week.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Eid ul Azha and Homeopathy Stomach related problems

Eid ul Azha and Homeopathy Stomach related problems

Eid ul Azha is one of the important days for Muslim. On this day all the Muslims forfeit their domestic animals like sheep and goat representing Abraham’s forfeit. This forfeit made by Muslims is known as “Qurbani”.

All the rich and poor eat plenty of meat and beef. Resultantly, stomach problems are commonly noted in these days.
I am sharing very effective homeopathic medicines related to stomach problems. Hope homeopathy will help in relieving these disorders.

Homeopathic Medicines with most important symptoms pertaining to stomach

Argentum Nitricum
help calm burping, gas, reflux, gallbladder weakness, ulcers, painful swelling of stomach, much flatulent distention.

Arsenicum Album
relieves gastritis, diarrhea, burning sensation in stomach,


cannot bear the sight or smell of food.

alleviates stomach upset when eating sugar or overeating, flatulence, heartburn, dyspepsia.

Nux Vomica
calms stomach distress from fatty foods, alcohol, nicotine. Helpful for bruised soreness of abdominal walls, weight & pain in stomach

Carbo Veg
helps absorb toxicity, for reflux symptoms, weakness after eating, gas, abdomen greatly distended, & flatulent colic.

Antimonium Crudum
helpful for those experiencing loss of appetite, constant belching, sensation of fullness in stomach.

Natrum Phos
is the Cell Salt for acidity. Natrum Phos relieves sour burping, acidity, nausea, morning sickness

Antimonium Crud
for nausea or vomiting with or without appetite. Antimonium Crud reliefs pain and sensation of pressure over stomach.

Top medicines with short description

Arsenicum album:
This remedy may be indicated if a person feels anxious, restless yet exhausted, and is worse from the smell and sight of food. Burning pain is felt in the stomach and oesophagus, which often is relieved by warmth and sitting up. Vomiting and diarrhoea are possible. Upsets from spoiled food or from eating too much fruit often respond to this remedy.

When this remedy is indicated, the stomach feels heavy, with rising acid and a bitter or sour taste. Pain and nausea are worse from motion of any kind. The person may have a dry mouth and be thirsty for long drinks, which may increase discomfort. Bryonia is strongly suggested if a person is grumpy and wants to stay completely still and not be touched or talked to.

Carbo vegetabilis:
Sour belching bringing only small relief, burning pain in the stomach and abdomen, and flatulence after eating may be seen when this remedy is needed. The person feels cold and faint, with a strong desire for fresh or moving air. Digestion may be slow and incomplete, with nausea or cramping.

Cutting, cramping pain in the stomach and abdomen, with relief from hard pressure or from doubling over, indicates a need for this remedy. A bitter taste in the mouth, a feeling that the intestines are about to burst, or a sensation that stones are grinding together in the abdomen may be present. Indigestion may be worse when the person feels upset, especially after suppressing anger.

This remedy is indicated for many digestive troubles. The person’s appetite may be ravenous, but eating even a small amount can cause a feeling of fullness and bloating. Rumbling wind may form in the abdomen, pressing upward and making breathing difficult. The person often has a strong desire for sweets, is sleepy after meals, and feels worst in the late afternoon and evening.

Natrum carbonicum: 
This remedy can be helpful to mild people who have trouble digesting and assimilating many foods and have to stay on restricted diets. Indigestion, heartburn, and ulcers can occur if offending foods are eaten. Milk or dairy products can lead to flatulence or sputtery diarrhoea that leaves an empty feeling in the stomach. Cravings for potatoes and sweets are common; also milk, but it makes these people ill, so they have usually learned to avoid it.

Natrum phosphoricum:
A sour taste in the mouth, an acid or burning sensation in the stomach, sour vomiting, regurgitated bits of food, and a yellow coating on the tongue are all indications for this remedy. The person may have problems after consuming dairy products or too much sugar. Another indication for Natrum phos is a craving for fried eggs.

Nux vomica:
This remedy is often useful for indigestion, and is especially suited to those who overindulge in stimulants, food, and alcohol. Chilliness, irritability, and sensitivity to odours, sound, and light are often seen. Pain and weight can be felt in the stomach, with cramps or constricting pains. The person often feels an urge to vomit or move the bowels (which may make the person feel better, but is rarely successful).

Burning pain in the stomach that feels better from eating ice cream or other cold, refreshing foods suggests a need for this remedy. The person is usually thirsty for cold drinks, but often feels nauseous or vomits once liquids warm up in the stomach. People needing Phosphorus may have a tendency toward easy bleeding and sometimes develop stomach ulcers.

Indigestion that is worse from eating rich and fatty foods, with a feeling of a lump or pulsation in the stomach, suggests a need for this remedy. Discomfort often is worse from warmth, especially in a stuffy room, and the person may feel better from gentle walking in open air. A bitter taste in the mouth can take the pleasure out of eating. A person who needs Pulsatilla usually does not feel thirsty and may be tearful and emotional.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Winter season and homeopathy coughs


Aconite 30c- Sudden onset often after exposure to cold air. Dry croupy cough with runny nose and sneezing. Irritation of respiratory tract, hoarseness/dryness of throat. Worse: cold dry winds, talking and deep breathing. Better: lying on back. 

Ant Tart 30c - Noisy, rattling, loose cough as if chest full of mucus. Young children or elderly with cough too weak to expel the mucus. Worse: night, especially from 10 pm until after midnight, lying flat, eating. Better sitting up and after expectoration 

Bryonia 30c - Dry hacking cough in the evening and night without sputum. Spasmodic cough shaking the whole body, pain in the head an abdomen from coughing, better for holding the painful part. Dryness of all air passages with thirst. Worse: movement, deep breathing, lying in bed. Better: fresh air and for pressure of painful part. 

Causticum 30c - Cough with raw, sore feeling in chest. Hollow, hard, dry cough from tickling in throat pit. Expectoration not easy to cough up and slips back down the throat. Worse: lying down, talking and bending head forward. Better: cold drinks 

THROAT SORE, Winter Season ailments

 THROAT SORE, Winter Season ailments

Aconite 30c - Sudden onset of sore throat after exposure to cold or cold dry winds. High fever, flushed face with restlessness or anxiety. Pharynx and tonsils bright red without pus, burning and mildly swollen. Painful swallowing though intensely thirsty for cold drinks. 

Apis 30c - Redness and swelling of mucous membranes. Dirty grey covering of throat with or without ulcers on tonsils. Swelling of uvula. Stinging or stitching pains. Worse: warmth and warm drinks. Better: cold applications
Belladonna 30c - No 1 remedy for sore throats with sudden onset. Bright red, inflamed angry looking throat. Swollen glands. Dry burning heat, flushed face with fever. Burning with pain extending to right ear when swallowing. Neck tender to touch. Worse: swallowing, talking, cold air, touch. Better: sitting up in bed.

Winter Season and Homeopathy - Cold and Flu

Winter Season and Homeopathy - Cold and Flu

Aconite 30c - No. 1 Remedy for nipping colds in the bud. Useful in the early stages of colds, fevers, sore throats and the inflammatory stage of other illnesses. Sudden onset often after exposure to cold. Much sneezing with pain at root of nose. Dry mucous membranes. Worse: evening or night and for touch. Better: fresh air and rest. 

Allium Cepa 30c - Common feverish cold with streaming eyes and nose. Profuse watery nasal discharge which burns upper lip. Red, running eyes with bland discharge. Headache worse in warm room. Worse: evening and stuffy rooms. Better: open air and cold room. 

Arsenicum Alb 30c. - Catches cold easily, burning, watery nasal discharge alternating with dryness. Frequent sneezing without relief. Very chilly and shivery. Nostrils become sore and red and nose feels blocked alternating with watery discharge. Worse: change of temperature, cold, damp and after midnight. Better: heat and warm applications, hot drinks. 

AGE 30c Arsenicum-iod/Gelsemium/Eupatorium in combination which is very useful for covering typical flu symptoms. 

Euphrasia 30c Profuse bland nasal discharge, running red eyes with burning tears and frequent sneezing. Burning sore throat and eyes sensitive to light. Worse: light, in the evening. Better: during the day when up and about. 

Eupatorium perf.30c - Chill followed by heat and sweating. Intense aching of bones as if broken or bruised. Great thirst for cold drinks. Worse: movement, cold, open air. Better; Resting, warmth, sweating. 

Ferrum Phos 30c - Tired and weary not feeling quite right. First signs of a cold or flu. Red inflamed eyes. Chill with shivering and fever with flushed face.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Another way to deal with Dengue Fever

Another way to deal with Dengue Fever

Symptoms and Homeopathic Treatment

Dengue fever is said to be a new type of fever whereas actually it is not so. Dr. William Boericke’s “Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory” whose preface was written by Dr. William Boericke in San Francisco in June 1927 mentions of Dengue Fever. On page 924 of this pocket manual, Dr. William Boericke has listed twelve (12) medicines for Dengue Fever, which clearly indicates that this type of fever was known to homeopathic doctors even 1927. So calling it a new type of fever is not right. The medicines he has listed are Aconitum Napellus, Arsenicum Album, Belladonna, Bryonia Alba, Cantharis, Cinchona Officinalis, Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Gelsemium, Ipecacuanha, Nux Vomica, Rhus Toxicodendron and Rhus Venenata. As is customary, he has written abbreviated names of the medicines but I have written full names for convenience of the readers.

Cause and Symptoms of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is caused by virus transmitted by a particular type of mosquito. It is a clean water mosquito, black in color with white spots on it and usually stings during the day. Common symptoms are high fever, headache, severe weakness, severe muscle and joint pain. In some cases symptoms related with other organs of the body may also be present. In some cases it may also cause rash on the body. As the disease progresses, platelet count starts dropping. After a certain level, hemorrhage starts, which might bleed the patient to death.

Preventive Measures and Precautions

  • Do not let the water pound in and around your house, not even in the lawns and flower pots.
  • Keep all water containers covered.
  • Wear full sleeve shirts and also use socks.
  • Anti-mosquito spray to kill the mosquitoes at dawn and sunset time.
  • Keep the doors and windows closed if you live in the epidemic area.

As a preventive homeopathic medicine, Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200 has a reputation. It should be used in some water about twice a week but please remember that use of this medicine should not urge you to ignore other preventive measures.

Treatment of Dengue Fever

As soon as you feel any of the symptoms written above, have yourself medically checked but remember that every type of fever is not dengue fever. If dengue infection is detected, immediately go for the treatment. Remember that a badly or untreated case of Dengue can be fatal.
Homeopathic treatment is quite effective not only for Dengue fever but also for all other types of fevers. Out of the twelve homeopathic medicines listed above, more commonly used are Aconitum Napellus, Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Gelsemium, Arsenicum Album and Belladonna according to the symptoms but this is not the end. If the symptoms call for it, your homeopath would probably choose yet another medicine. If the disease has already advanced and hemorrhagic state has set in, there are many homeopathic medicines to stop the hemorrhage, which must be chosen according to symptoms of the individual. Using the same medicine in every case may not be a wise option and might result in failure of the treatment.
In addition to the regular treatment, using juice of Papaya leaves can do lot of good and rapidly  raise the platelets. If those leaves are not available in your area, you can use fresh apple juice with few drops of fresh lemon. Do not use synthetic juices. There are several other dietary items that can be of help, which your doctor should advise according to the stage of the disease and needs of your body.
There are other home remedies to lower the fever but going by the advice of the doctor should be preferred rather than going for self-treatment.

Note: The contents of this page are for general information only and should not be taken as medical advice. For proper treatment, you should always consult your doctor.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Prevention of Dengue Fever

 Prevention of Dengue Fever

Following medicine are found effective in prevention and treatment of  Dengue Fever

1. Eupatorium Perf 200
2.Crotalus 200
3.Belladona 200
2 times a day

China , Ars Album and Ferrum Met all in 3x
3 times a day

Thanks to
Dr. Muhammad Amin

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Selected Homeopathy Remedies for Dengue fever

Selected Homeopathy Remedies for Dengue fever

1. Eupatorium perfoliatium: – Pain in the limbs and muscles with fever. There may be severe bone pain. Swelling of ankles and feet. Aching pain in bones of extremities with soreness of flesh.great thirst, perspiration relieves all symptoms except head ache.200 potency is found to be more effective. This medicine is highly effective in post fever arthralgia (Mother tincture 5 drops tds for 3-5 days)

2. Gelsemium: – associated with severe headache and coryza. Thirstlessness, slow pulse, muscular pains. There may be drowsiness, dullness and dizziness. Hard pressure. Swollen joints. Debilitating night sweats.

3. Belladona: High fever with burning heat. No thirst with fever. Joints swollen, red, shining with red streaks radiating. Heat, redness, throbbing and burning.

4. Pyrogen: Septic fevers, temperature rises rapidly. Great heat with profuse hot sweat. But sweating does not cause a fall in temperature, aching in limb and bones.

5. Nux vomica: fever with chilliness, nausea vomiting, ineffectual urging for stool.

6. Sulphur: used as an intercurrent.

Whethr Dengue Fever can be treated with Homeopathy?

Whethr Dengue Fever can be treated with Homeopathy?

Homeopathy can help and the genus epidemicus remedy is usually Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Bone Set) because many suffers experience such agonizing bone pains. Ipecac can also be useful when there is hemorrhage.

Remedies to consider also are;
Arsenicum Album – Great debility and restlessness with great thirst but drinks only a little at a time and often.
Baptisia – When there is great malaise and languor, but the person feels as if their body is double and they must try to collect themselves in the bed. It is very useful in the recovery phase also when there is great weakness.
Bryonia – When the person does not want to move and any movement aggravates. Joints can be hot and swollen and better from pressure.
Gelsemium – Feels sore and bruised all over and the muscles refuse to obey the will. Thirstlessness and chilly.
Pyrogeneum – Chill follower by fever that is very high. Great delirium and abnormally slow pulse.
Rhus Toxicodendron – Whole body painful. Puffiness of the joints, better for movement. The rash can sometimes be cured with Rhus Tox.
Eupatorium Perfoliatum – Great soreness and aching of the body with deep aching pains in the bones. The muscles can sometimes feel as if torn from the bone.

Other remedies to consider are Ipecac, Lachesis, Hamamelis, Crotalus Horridus, Ferrum Metallicum, and Secale when bleeding is present. China Officianalis and Baptisia may help when recovery is slow and accompanied by great weakness.

As with most acute prescribing the 30c and 200c potencies are usually the best to start out with. Repetition may be needed often depending on the duration of the response.

Always consider Dengue Fever in the differential diagnosis of any person who has fever and a history of travel to a tropical area within the last 2 weeks prior to the onset of symptoms. Clinical tests are available but must be interpreted with care. Acetaminophen products are usually prescribed for the management of fever. Aspirin should be avoided because of it’s anti-coagulant properties and the possibility of hemorrhage.
In the end nothing can treat Dengue Fever like homeopathy. Always take the case and prescribe the best remedy for the person. As always the prescription will be for the whole person and not just their physical symptoms only.

Papaya Juice - Cure for Dengue

Papaya Juice - Cure for Dengue

You may have heard this elsewhere but if not I am glad to inform you that papaya juice is a natural cure for dengue fever. As dengue fever is rampant now, I think it's good to share this with all. A friend of mine had dengue last year. It was a very serious situation for her as her platelet count had dropped to 28,000 after 3 days in hospital and water has started to fill up her lung. She had difficulty in breathing. She was only 32-year old. Doctor says there's no cure for dengue. We just have to wait for her body immune system to build up resistance against dengue and fight its own battle. She already had 2 blood transfusion and all of us were praying very hard as her platelet continued to drop since the first day she was admitted.
Homœpathic family guide for the use of twenty-eight ... remedies: With directions for the treatment of dengue and yellow fever,
Fortunately her mother-in-law heard that papaya juice would help to reduce the fever and got some papaya leaves, pounded them and squeeze the juice out for her. The next day, her platelet count started to increase, her fever subside. We continued to feed her with papaya juice and she recovered after 3 days!!! Amazing but it's true. It's believed one's body would be overheated when one is down with dengue and that also caused the patient to have fever. Papaya juice has cooling effect. Thus, it helps to reduce the heatiness in one's body, thus the fever will go away. I found that it’s also good when one is having sore throat or suffering from heatiness.

Thanks to:
Dr Sumedha Bajaj

Bitting and itching and other Tips

Bitting and itching and other Tips

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-8

Noticeably dry.
Suggested Medicine
Ghost On The Canvas
Urticaria, with heat, biting and itching.
Suggested Medicine
Copaiva Off
Something Borrowed
Eruption with severe itching and burning after scratching; skin itches, festers and bleeds easily.
Suggested Medicine
Night Terrors [HD]
Skin cold, sallow, icteric; boils and carbuncles; mottled, purplish.
Suggested Medicine
Crot Hor

Monday, September 5, 2011

Eczema with crust and other conditions

Eczema with crust and other conditions

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-7

Wrinkled, pimpled; old, spreading, offensive ulcers.            
Suggested Medicine
Boiron Homeopathic Medicine Urtica Urens, 30C Pellets, 80-Count Tubes (Pack of 5)
Eczema with hard, lemon colored crusts; whitish moist scurf on upper lip and chin.           
Suggested Medicine
Cicuta Ver
Shea Butter - The African Secret                                                                               
 Itching of scalp; eczema of hands and occiput.    
Suggested Medicine

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pustules , Boils and other conditions

Pustules , Boils and other conditions

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-6

Itches and burns; small boils and pustules, worse from scratching.  
Suggested Medicine
Berberis Vulg
Diseases & Homeopathy Therapeutics of Skin
 Hair rough; splits; sticks together; can't be combed smooth.            
Suggested Medicine
Homeopathy for Rosacea: What Homeopathic Remedies to Use
 Large, jagged, easily bleeding warts; intertrigo.   
Suggested Medicine
Diseases of the skin: Their symptomatology, etiology and diagnosis, with special reference to principles of treatment including full indications for drug remedies
 Indolent foul ulcers with ichorous discharge; carbuncles.    
Suggested Medicine
Carbo. veg

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Raw, bloody eruptions and other Tips

Raw, bloody eruptions and other Tips

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-5

Raw, bloody eruptions.
Suggested Medicine
Arum Tryph
The Clear Skin Prescription: The Perricone Program to Eliminate Problem Skin
Ulcers near bone, with thin, ichorous discharge.
Suggested Medicine
Tony and Maxxie
Livid spots over body and limbs.
Suggested Medicine
Bapt Tinchture
Unexplained Skin Problems: Home Treatment And Precautions
Dry, hot, uniformly red.
Suggested Medicine

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Boils , Swelling and other tips

Boils , Swelling and other tips

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-4

Boils and swellings, with stinging pain; dropsy without thirst.
Suggested Medicine
Apis Mel
A hand-book of skin diseases and their homœopathic treatment
Itching, burning small pimples and boils; black and blue spots on the body.
Suggested Medicine
Arninca Mont
Boiron Aconitum napellus, High fever of sudden onset with dry skin 80 ea
Bran like, scaly eruptions, with itching and burning, worse from scratching; ulcerations with burning pain.
Suggested Medicine
Arsenic Alb
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis Management

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Moist eruption behind ears and other tips

Moist eruption behind ears and other tips

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-3

Intense itching, with eruption like poison oak.     
Suggested Medicine
Moist eruption behind ears; horny growths over the body; pimples, 
vesicles; scabs thick, hard, bleed when touched.                                                                        
Suggested Medicine
Antim crud

Cold; covered with clammy, sticky sweat; slowly maturing pustules, 
leaving bluish red mark.      
Suggested Medicine
Antim tart

Monday, August 15, 2011

Scratching until it bleeds

Scratching until it bleeds

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-2

 Dry, with intolerable itching and scratching until it bleeds.
Suggested Medicine

 Thick, red rash all over.                                         
Suggested Medicine
Ammonium carb 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Body covered with brown spots and other Skin Problems

Body covered with brown spots and other Skin Problems

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-1

Body covered with brown spots; ulcerations and warts with splinter like pain; ulcers bleed from slight touch.
Suggested Medicine
Nit. acid

Papular, petechial eruptions, with much itching.
Suggested Medicine
Muratic acid

Livid, purplish eruption.
Suggested Medicine

Friday, August 12, 2011

Neuralgia with extreme soreness and stabbing pain

Neuralgia with extreme soreness and stabbing pain

Pain and Homeopathy Part- 13

Pains radiate from one central point; followed by extreme soreness; pressing from within outward; slightest touch unbearable
Suggested Medicine

Constrictive as from a tight band; gradually increase then gradually decrease
Suggested Medicine
Stanum Met

Painlessness of all complaints
Suggested Medicine

Neuralgia with extreme soreness and stabbing pain
Suggested Medicine
Thuja Ox.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Intolerant pain and other tips

Intolerant  pain and other tips

Pain and Homeopathy Part- 12

Intolerance of pain; drawing, tearing pain; as from internal ulcer; worse from touch; getting gradually worse, then lets up with a snap; up to 11 p. m. or midnight; with chilliness; shifting from place to place.
Suggested Medicine

Sticking, bruised pain in chest and lower ribs, interfering with breathing; sharp, shooting pain, extending into hypochondria and back.
Suggested Medicine
Ranun Bulb

Pains occur during rest, disappear during motion
Suggested Medicine
Sambocus Nig

Burning pain as from sparks of fire
Suggested Medicine
Secal Corn

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Constrictive Pain and other Tips

Constrictive Pain and other Tips

Pain and Homeopathy Part- 11

Pain in face as though flesh were being torn off
Suggested Medicine

Lancinating, shooting pain, like electric shocks, changing location often; burning pain in boils and carbuncles
Suggested Medicine

Cramp. like, squeezing, crushing pain; increasing and decreasing gradually
Suggested Medicine
Platina Met

Constrictive, pricking, like lightening; like moulten lead in veins.
Suggested Medicine
Plumbum Met

Friday, August 5, 2011

Groin- pain through the groin and other Tips

Pain through the groin, shooting down the leg and other Tips

Pain and Homeopathy Part-10
Pain through the groin, shooting down the leg
Suggested Medicine
Lilium Tig

Pain extends from right to left.
Suggested Medicine

Neuralgic pain about heart, like angina pectoris; better from external warmth, worse from cold.
Suggested Medicine
Mag. phos

Bone pains, worse at night.
Suggested Medicine
Merc Sol

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jerking pain in any part of the body

Jerking pain in any part of the body

Pain and Homeopathy Part- 9

Stitching, jerking pain in any part of the body
Suggested Medicine
Kali. carb

Bone pain (tibia); very sensitive to touch
Suggested Medicine
Kali. iod

Pain affecting a large area; follows course of nerves; numbness; coldness; pricking pain; pain shoots downward, with numbness.
Suggested Medicine

Sharp, lancinating pain, burning when touched.
Suggested Medicine

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lancinating in breast other Tips

Lancinating in breast; heat and itching in vagina and rectum and other Tips

Pain and Homeopathy Part-8
Tearing, stitching, lancinating pain with numbness, weakness, trembling     
Suggested Medicine
Ferrum Met

Lancinating in breast; heat and itching in vagina and rectum; sensation of great weight in rectum 
Suggested Medicine

Pain in small circumscribed spot                  
Suggested Medicine

Bone pain; shifting, tearing, bruised pain.   
Suggested Medicine
Kali. bich